Best 3 Days Slim Waist Workout for Women


How to get slim waist at home? Try this 3 days workout for tiny waist for women. These 6 waist slimming exercise will work effectively on your abs, belly and buttocks. Best waist slimming workouts for women.

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Finally, you are thinking about to get a slim waist. But feeling it super hard.

Don’t worry! That’s achievable.

Maybe you are tired of doing many exercises, that didn’t show much difference around your belly.

Sometimes we focus too much on one particular part that starts expanding instead of contracting.

Let’s make this conversation easy to understand for you.

Tell me what you do when you want a bigger butt?

You exercise them directly. Right?


What you do when you want your biceps to get bigger?

You exercise them too directly. Right?

Now, it seems you got my point.

So, if you directly exercise your waist, how could you expect them to appear small? Got it!

That’s why, we will not exercise them directly, but instead this, will work on combination parts that help your waist muscles to shrink fast and burn some side fat.

The secrets of slim waist lie in the combination exercise of abs, buttocks, hips, and back shoulder.

And that’s true!

Now, I think you got, what you need to do and avoid in this tiny waist workouts.

This slim waist workout plan consists of 6 best exercises that will target your abs, buttocks, belly, and back.

Slim Waist Exercises

Exercise 1: Plank Jacks

How to get slim waist fast? Try this 3 days workouts plan for tiny waist. This tiny waist workout will help you to get your dreams waist easy. This 3 days workout plan consist of 6 waist slimming exercise to burn your belly fat mast and makes your waist look smaller. Plank jacks exercise for slim waist. slim waist workouts for women.
Credit: Popsugar

How to do:

  • Start in plank position, with your shoulder over wrist and body forming a straight line.
  • Initially, keep your feet together.
  • Now, jump your legs wide as jumping jacks and come back fast as shown.
  • Make sure to keep your jump quick, and pelvis steady.
  • Your butt should not rise upward in full

Exercise 2: Bicycle Crunch

The best 3 days workout plan for slim waist. This tiny waist workout has 6 waist slimming exercise that work effectively on your belly. Best workout plan to burn belly fat. Bicycle crunch exercise will help to contract your abs and firm them. flat stomach workout plan for women.

How to do:

  • Lie down your back straight on the floor, hands behind your ears, legs in the air and knees pulled towards the chest as cycling.
  • Contract your abs as you lift your shoulder blades off the ground.
  • Straighten your right leg at 45-degree angle and rotate your upper body to the left, bringing the right elbows towards the left knee.
  • Switch your sides and continue practicing in pedaling motion.

Exercise 3: High Knees

High knees exercise to get slim waist. Total body workouts for tiny waist. It consist of 6 waist slimming exercise to burn your belly fat fast and makes your waist look smaller. best abs exercise to get slim waist. women workouts for slim and tiny waist.
Credit: Livestrong

How to do:

  • Stand straight and keep your feet about hip-width
  • Now, lift your right knee towards your chest and quickly place it back to the ground.
  • Follow the same with opposite leg and keep continue in quick motion.

Exercise 4: Reverse Crunches

Trying hard to get tiny waist? This 3 days workouts plan for slim waist will work smoothly on your muscles and help to burn your belly fat easily. It consist of 6 waist slimming exercise that will work powerfully on your belly, butt and back to makes you look more curvy and sexy. Workout for slim waist for women.

How to do:

  • Lie down on your back and keep your arms alongside or behind your head (if not comfortable).
  • Hold your feet together and lift both, knees and feet so they make a 90-degree angle.
  • Contract your abs and exhale as you lift your hips off the ground.
  • Your knees will move over your chest.
  • Come back to starting position and repeats.

Exercise 5: Plank Knees to Elbows

Knees to elbows exercise for slim waist. Now getting slim waist is not tough task. the only thing you need to do is select powerful workout plan for tiny waist. this 3 days workout consist of 6 powerful waist slimming exercise that will work on your booty, waist, abs and belly. best workouts for slim waist. best workouts for tiny waist for women.

How to do:

  • Begin in plank position, hands underneath your shoulder and back straight.
  • Now, contract your oblique (neighbor abs muscles on sides) while pulling your one knees up to your elbows.
  • Continue practice with alternate sides.

Exercise 6: Fire Hydrants

How to get slim waist? Try this 3 days workout plan for slim waist. this plan has 6 waist slimming exercise that works effectively om your belly and give you slim waist. Best slim waist workout for women. Best tiny waist workouts for women.

How to do:

  • Get down on your hands and knees, wrist under shoulder and knees hip-width.
  • Now, lift your one knees out and up to the side until its level with your hips.
  • Practice alternate side.

3 Days Slim Waist Workout Plan

Most women don’t have a tiny waist because of genetics, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t create it.

So, before starting this slim waist workout, you need to remember 2 important things-

The very first thing, it’s possible.

And, the second thing,

You don’t need to exercise your waist directly to get a slim waist, as I explained above.

So, What You Should Do To Get Slim Waist?

For effective slim waist workout, you need to do 3 things-

Apart from these, there is one more thing that you need to take care, is your strict diet plan.

Why focus on toning of abs?

When you work on your abs and core, it strengthens those muscles that help to shrink and burn belly fat.

Why focus on hips, butt, and back?

Doing more workouts on buttocks develop wider hip, bigger-round butt, and tone your lower abs.

This creates a sexy hourglass figure in women that automatically makes her waist look smaller.

Moving ahead like this will add extras benefits to your figure.

Slim Waist Workout Plan:

How to get slim waist fast? Try this 3 days best workouts for tiny waist. This workout plan consist of 6 waist slimming exercise that work effectively. this easy workouts for small waist will help to burn your belly fat and gives you small waist. These waist slim exercise will target your butt, abs, thighs and back. best workout plan for bigger butt and slim waist. flat stomach workouts plan. best tiny waist workouts for women.

How many times:

After finishing one complete cycle, repeat your days until you achieve your target. Follow the plans as mentioned above in infographic.

How to Get Tiny Waist Fast

The first rule to get tiny waist fast is your diet. So, prepare your body by choosing smart and healthy diet.

In order to lose weight fast, you need to cut at least 3500 calories from your diet per week. This is how you can do-

  • Eat whole grain with serving of fruits and vegetables.
  • Include more protein source in your diet, like lean meat and fish.
  • Always eat healthy breakfast with combinations of whole grains cereals, bread, protein-rich eggs, and fruits. You don’t need to eat all at once but can opt for these ingredients.
  • Eat smaller meals proportions, but more frequently throughout the day.
  • Prefer to eat healthy fats for weight loss, like avocados, seeds, nuts, beans, coconut oil to prevent the buildup of belly pooch.
  • Add more fibers to your diet, like apple, citrus fruits, barley, quinoa and leafy green vegetables.
  • Drink 8-10 glass of water to lose your weight.
  • Prefer green tea and detox drinks to fasten your weight loss.

If you want strict diet plan from breakfast to dinner, then check the link.

Now you know what to do,

You have gotten a very effective plan on how to get a tiny waist, the only thing you need to do is, follow this slim waist workout plan.

If you will be regular to the plan, then surely you can see results fast.

Don’t stop until you achieve your fitness goal!

For more updates, you can connect with us via Pinterest and Facebook.

Good luck and Look Beautiful!!

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