5 Guaranteed Ways to Get Rid of Cold at Home


common cold

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Cold is the first gift of winter and rainy season that almost everyone gets. 

Being here is the sign that you’re also suffering from cold and probably not a person who runs to doctor for every minor health issues. 

It’s a very irritating and frustrating situation and even becomes worse when we go to sleep at night.

Turning right side blocks right nose, turning left side blocks left side nose and finally, we adjust by switching to the middle. And feel its better to breathe through the mouth. šŸ˜‰

Irritating stuffy nose, sore throat, Fatigue, body pain, headache, tough to breathe and fever are common symptoms of a common cold.

When cold attacks, we don’t have enough energy to do any task.

And sometimes, bed rest is not enough to get rid of cold. Even doctors prescribed medicine doesn’t work and lead higher flow of cold. 

It happens to me mostly. šŸ˜‰

Thatā€™s why most of the time I donā€™t take medicine and prefer to go for some effective cold remedies like ginger tea, hot water bath, hot soups, steam inhalation and many more quickest way to get rid of cold at home. 

So, here we are going to discuss the most effective and fastest ways to get rid of cold naturally.

For sure these cold remedies will help you to gain strength again.

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5 Fastest Cold Remedies for Home 

Try these 5 guaranteed ways to treat your cold naturally at home. These powerful ancient cold remedies will work great. 

  1. Herbal Tea 
  2. Steam Inhalation 
  3. Hot Soups 
  4. Turmeric milk 
  5. Whiskey

Give yourself a best and last try. 

  1. Drink Herbal Tea for Cold

Herbal Tea is an ancient Ayurvedic formula for cold and flu. It serves as one of the best hot drinks that you can consume 5-6 times a day to get rid of cold.

The herbal home remedies for cold is easy to make formula using natural ingredients.  

There are several herbs that taste yummy, boost the immune system, and fight against cold infection in the winter season. 

Try these few herbals tea to relax your nose and throat. 

  • Ginger tea 
  • Basil/Tulsi tea
  • Clove tea
  • Lemon tea

# Ginger Tea For Cold

Ginger tea is the most common tea in Asian countries that people used to consume mostly in the winter season to protect themselves from cold, and flu.

Ginger has various medicinal properties, such as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

In addition to treating cold, ginger is excellent for nausea and vomiting.

During cold and flu, you can drink this tea 4 to 5 times a day for fast relaxation.

It also helps to clear your throat so you can breathe easy.

Ginger Tea for get rid of common cold. Ginger tea recipe to get rid of common cold. Benefits of ginger tea and how to make. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid


  • First, wash ginger and cut it into pieces. (2-3 pieces for 1 cup tea)
  • After cutting, crush them.
  • Now take one cup of water and boil it.
  • Add crushed ginger and again boil for extra 1-2 minutes until its color turns light green.
  • Your tea is ready. 
  • You can also add honey and milk as per your taste. 

# Basil (Tulsi) Tea for Cold

One of the blissful and wonderful warming tea that refreshes all of your senses and mood instantly while simultaneously removing your stress and tension away. 

Health benefits of Tulsi are vast in Ayurveda that you canā€™t ignore.

So, go ahead with this easy to prepare recipe as it won’t take much time to prepare.

Serve it hot and spread the warmth in cold season. 

Basil Tea to get rid of common cold. DIY Basil tea recipe to get rid of common cold. Benefits of basil (tulsi) tea and how to make. Drink herbal tea to get rid of common cold.


  • Take 5, 6 tulsi leaves and wash.
  • Now boil one cup of water.
  • Crush tulsi leaves and add them in boiling water.
  • Keep it for 2 minutes until water becomes light green.
  • Your tea is ready. For better taste add honey and milk.

# Clove Tea for Cold

Clove, a tiny medicinal spice offers a wide variety of health benefits.

Its anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic in nature and packed with lots of antioxidants.

In cold, it helps to loosen up mucus in throat and opens up sinuses to make your breath easy. 

Or you can say, its highly nutritious and good flavored hot beverage for cold and flu. 

Clove Tea DIY Common Cold Remedies. Clove Tea recipe to get rid of common cold. Benefits of clove tea and how to make. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid.


  • Take one tablespoon of cloves and crush them. Crushing should be light, not powdered.
  • After crushing them, boil one cup of water.
  • Add crushed clove into boiling water and keep it for 2 minutes.
  • Now pour tea through a mesh strainer to filter out the cloves.
  • Dispose of the solids in the strainer, and the clove tea is ready to be served.
  • For better taste, add honey.

# Lemon Tea for Cold

Lemon is a good source of vitamin C that helps to get rid of cold very fast.

It detoxifies bacteria/viruses, boosts your immune system and reduces the duration of the cold so you feel better quickly.

Lemon Tea DIY Common Cold Remedies. Lemon Tea recipe to get rid of common cold. Benefits of Lemon tea and how to make. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid.


  • Take a cup of water and boil it.
  • Now squeeze one lemon in boiling water.
  • Mix honey to add some flavor to it.
  • Your tea is ready to drink.

2. Steam Inhalation To Get Rid of Cold

Steam inhalation is another most powerful remedies to get rid of cold fast.

Inhaling steam will help you to get rid of a sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, and provide instant relaxation. 

Steam inhaler,  humidfier in your bedroom, and hot shower with the door closed are few best options can help you take moisture. 

For fast relief, you can add Vicks Vaporub.

Steam inhalation is one of the effective way to get rid of common cold very fast. Steam inhalation recipe to get rid of Common cold. Benefits of Steam inhalation and how to do. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid.

Vicks Vaporub Steam Inhalation

  • Take a container, add 4 to 5 glass of water and boil it.
  • Boiling should be for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now add Vicks Vaporub in boiled water. But be careful and don’t let heat burn your nose. 
  • Cover your head with a towel, or any warm blanket.
  • Take a long and deep breath of this Vicks Vaporub steam.
  • Breathe until steam is there.

Donā€™t come out immediately after steam. Cover yourself properly.

Best time of Vicks steaming is night while going for sleep.

3. Drink Hot Soups To Get Rid of Cold

Soups are the tasty and yummy treat you’ll love to have in cold season.

During cold and cough, our tongue becomes tasteless and throat starts paining.

We donā€™t like any food and became choosy about what to eat.

Itā€™s like everything starts irritating us. 

Then that time is soup time. 

It provides instant relaxation to our sour throat and relief us.

There are the variety of soups like Chicken soups, Tomato soups, Garlic soups you can try during cold.  

Drink Hot Soups To Get Rid Of Common Cold. Drink these two soup during cold; Chicken soup and Tomato soup, One of the effective way to get rid of common cold very fast. Benefits of drinking hot soups during common cold. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid.

# Chicken Soup

Chicken soups have anti-inflammatory properties that boost our immune system along with treating a cold.

It’s yummy taste and flavor open sinus and throat easily and quickly.

# Tomato Soup

Great source of vitamin C that helps to get rid of cold fast. It’s yummy taste and flavor will take you to another healing world.

4. Turmeric Milk to Get Rid of Cold

One of the wonderful spice that has many health benefits.

Usually, people add a small amount of turmeric in their food to make it tasty and healthy.

Turmeric fights against many inflammatory diseases, thatā€™s why it’s helpful to treat cold.

There are so many ways to use turmeric to get rid of cold but warm milk is a fast effective remedy. 

Drink Turmeric Milk to Get Rid Of Common Cold. Turmeric Milk recipe, and benefits of drinking Turmeric Milk during common cold. One of the effective way to get rid of common cold very fast. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid.


  • Take one glass of warm milk.
  • Add Ā¼ tsp of turmeric and mix it.
  • Mix sugar or honey accordingly.
  • Drink it while going to sleep.

5. Drink Whiskey To Get Rid of Cold

Drink whiskey is a wonderful and fantastic remedy to get rid of all kind of cold and cough. (But of course not too much).

ā€œAlcohol enlarge blood vessels a little bit, and that makes it easier for your mucus membranes to deal with the infection,ā€ Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told ABC News.

Drink Whiskey to get rid of common cold. Fantastic remedy to get rid of all kind of cold and cough. Natural common cold remedies how to get rid.

How to Use Whiskey For Cold

  • Take a 1/3rd cup of whiskey and add a half cup of honey in it.
  • Consume one tablespoon of the mixture after every two hours to get rid of a cold quickly.

You can also make a homemade cough syrup by mixing whiskey, honey and lime juice in equal quantities. 

Drink plenty of water and take hot water shower to treat your cold fast. It will relax your nerves and muscles. 

Hope these remedies will help you to get rid of cold easily.

5 Common Cold Remedies [Pin it for later]

5 Fastest and Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Common Cold. Looking for quickest home remedies for common cold? Here some useful cold remedies which will help you to get rid of common cold.

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