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Lose 10 pounds in 21 days? Believe me, it’s not that difficult task.
Whether you want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks or 2 months, the basic principles of weight loss remain the same. All you have to do is put some extra efforts from your diet to workout to your lifestyle, and if that happens, then 10 pounds is noting you can lose more than that.
That’s why I called it realistic weight loss, losing 10 pounds in 21 days.
Have a look on all the steps, you need to follow for 21 days weight loss.
Lose 10 Pounds in 21 Days
This 21 days weight loss plan is simple, easy to understand and effective if followed regularly. When we talk about weight loss, the workout is the first thing that comes to mind. Right?
Yes! It’s true, workout helps a lot to burn more calories, but before that, you need to control your calories intake to understand your weight loss precisely.
Yes i’m talking about your diet plan!
Diet plays an important role in weight loss. So, be conscious to what you eat. Now, we will move step by step from Diet to workout for effective weight loss.
Step 1: Lifestyle + Diet Plan for Weight Loss
What is the first thing you do after waking up in the morning? (Of course after bath) 😉
To the kitchen and brew coffee?
If this is your habit, then you need to cut it out from your lifestyle today. So, let me guide you what to eat after workout and exercise (described after diet).
Eating a healthy and fiber-rich breakfast is the best way to start your weight loss journey and to hit an active day.
- 2 slices of avocado toast
- Whole wheat bread for toast
Best Breakfast examples: Raspberries, Oatmeal, Yogurt, Peanut Butter, Eggs.
To eat post breakfast, you have to wait for an hour of serving after breakfast. If you are a tea lover, then it going to be a bonus for you as the tea also helps in weight loss like green tea, oolong tea, ginger lemon tea and more. You can choose any one of your taste.
But, the study recommends drinking oolong and green tea is best for weight loss.
Tea –
- Oolong tea
- Or green tea
- Or ginger lemon tea
These tea helps to boost your metabolism and fasten your fat burning mechanism by detoxifying your system.
But make sure not to drink them on an empty stomach as it can cause some gastrointestinal discomfort. Try to drink a glass of water before tea. This is one of the most friendly and easy ways to lose 10+ pounds in 21 days.
Morning Snack
Your morning snack should be 2 hours before your lunch. Suppose if you take lunch at 1 pm, then it should be around 11 am in the morning.
Eat fruits in morning snack like an apple, medium banana, half cup of berries, oranges and other citrus fruits. You can choose any fruits, as they are rich in fibers and low in calories. Know 20 healthy snacks for weight loss.
Selection of fruits-
According to a study published in NCBI, Nutrients Journal, “A higher amount of energy intake in form of fruits resulted in greater weight loss.”
They found that obese females, who consumed more fresh grapefruits, apple and pears for 10 weeks were low in BMI index, and body weight when compared to obese female eating oat cookies.
So, prefer to eat more fruits and veggies diet. Few things you need to keep in mind before grabbing fruits.
- Watery fruits such as grapefruits, watermelon, oranges, and pears.
- Fruits should be fresh and clean.
- Berries and citrus fruits have high-fat burning potentiality.
Lunch + Dinner
The food you will have for lunch can be interchangeable with dinner, so feel free to combine them however you want.
Preferable foods for lunch and dinner:
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- ½ cup of beans and legumes such as lentils, kidney beans, edamame, white and black beans, pinto, adzuki, navy or lima.
- 2 tbsp. seeds such as chia, flax, pumpkin, or hemp seeds.
- 1 egg or 150-gram lean meat such as fish, poultry and red meat (only twice a week).
- Nonstarchy vegetables, like, onion, mushrooms, lettuce, cabbage, celery pepper, radish, Brussels sprouts, pea, and green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale cauliflower.
- Low-fat Greek yogurt, or one glass of low-fat milk, or 2 slices of cheese (dairy only twice a week).
Don’t eat eggs and meat at the same time, choose only one. Also, try to limit meat to 2-3 days a week and dairy products 2 portions per week.
Post Lunch
Drink another cup of green tea or oolong tea about an hour after lunch.
Afternoon Snack
Your afternoon snack should be 3 hours after lunch. Eat a serving of fruits similar to your morning snacks. To make your snacks healthier, you can add some leafy vegetables too.
Evening Snack
If you feel hungry in the evening, then you can eat a handful of nuts such as almonds, walnuts or pistachios. you can also prefer a glass of orange, grapefruit or carrot juice without extra added sugar.
Or you can opt. for a tablespoon of peanut butter, but without butter- just a spoon of peanut butter.
This is a weight loss plan for one day, you need to follow this diet chart for 21 days to lose 10 pounds.
You are free to create a menu of all these ingredients for 21 days.
Your tea and snacks should be regular, while lunch and dinner you can change by opting any of these items. If you get bored with one diet plan, then you can change it for sometimes. But be stick on these ingredients only, as these are very powerful weight loss foods.
Food to Avoid
For fast weight loss, you should totally avoid these foods from your diet.
- Processed ( Store bought readymade foods, not in natural form)
- Fried and deep fried foods
- Soda and alcoholic drinks
- Fast foods
- Sweet foods
You should stay away from these foods if you really want to lose 10+ pounds within 21 days.
As we all know, Food is not enough to lose weight. You need to do some strengthening and toning workout/ exercise to lose more pounds. So let’s have a look what type of workout your body required to lose 10 pounds in 21 days for maximum results.
Step 2: Workouts for Weight Loss
To make your weight loss journey interesting, we have comes up with numbers of workouts that are very easy to start with. The best part about these workouts is that you can switch to anyone if getting bored form one and continues your weight loss journey with a variance of interest.
1. Running Workout
If you are healthy and fit, then you can prefer 30 minutes running workout. For beginners, it will not be easy to start, so take small steps and start by walking.
- For Beginner: More Walk > Less Run
- For Intermediate: More Walk = More Run
- For Advance: Less Walk < More Run
Always choose the fresh places, like a park, clean road, and forest or anywhere close to nature. But if it’s not possible, then trade mill is also fine.
2. Brisk Walking Workout
If you are an obese person, then choose walking as the first workout. Go for an hour of walking in the morning and evening. Know how many steps you need to take to lose weight.
3. Bodyweight Workout
This is really a very simple workout that you can do at home. Perform 6 sets of 20 squats + 25 jumping jacks + 20 pushups + 40 seconds plank + 15 burpees.
4. Corner Workout
You can perform this workout anywhere, like, jumping at a place. So go ahead and finish 4 sets of 3 minutes running at a place + 1-minute squats + 3 minutes running in place.
5. Weight-lift Workout

Practice all these dumbbell exercises for 30 minutes in the morning. This workout plan designed by PopSugar, for strengthening and toning.
So, this is all about to lose 10 pounds in 21 days. To make this plan successful, you need to be a stick.
Find a checklist you need to follow every day…
Step 3: Checklist
Make a checklist of everything you need to do to lose 10 pounds in 21 days.
- 2 cups of oolong or green tea
- ½ avocado
- 3 serving of protein
- Green leafy vegetables and fruits
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 serving of fruits
- A handful of nuts
- Drinks lots of water
- 30 minute-1 hour exercise/ workout
- Sweets
- Alcohol
- Processed foods
- Fast foods
- Soda and soft drinks
Don’t forget to keep updating your day as per this checklist. This plan will help you to lose 10 pounds in 21 days for sure, but be regular on this.
More dedication to your diet and exercise will help you to get closer to your weight loss goal.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy!