How to Wake Up Early In The Morning for Longer Run [4 Best Tips]


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Did you know that the early 3 hours are often referred to as “The Golden Hours” and are utilized by many successful individuals to boost their productivity?

Certainly, the early hours set the tone for the rest of your day. If you’re not naturally a morning person, training yourself to wake up early can be transformative.

Several factors can influence your wake-up time, such as your bedtime, sleep duration, and dietary habits. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know to become an early riser. But before diving into the details, let me pose a simple question.

Why Do You Want To Wake Up Early In The Morning?

Your motivation for rising early can be diverse – perhaps it’s for work, getting your kids ready for school, meal preparation, or other personal goals.

So, what’s your purpose for those early hours?

  • Do you want to instigate positive changes in your life?
  • Are you seeking some “me-time” for personal growth?
  • Do you simply love the tranquility of early morning hours?
  • Is it about prioritizing your health?
  • Do you want dedicated time for study or work?
  • Are you on a quest to achieve specific goals?
  • Do you find solace in meditation during the quiet hours?
  • Or maybe, you just want to relish the beauty of the morning?

Whatever your reason, you’re likely aware that early morning hours offer minimal distractions. It’s a time when your mental efficiency is at its peak, especially between 4-6 a.m. After that, efficiency gradually declines throughout the day. In essence, a task that might take 4 hours during the day could be completed in just 1 hour during the early morning. That’s why successful individuals harness these hours to lay the foundation for a successful day.

Steps To Train Yourself To Wake Up Early

Deciding to wake up early involves more than just changing your morning routine; it requires adjustments to your entire daily schedule, from sleeping and eating habits to your wake-up time. Let’s start with your sleep schedule.

1. Schedule Your Sleep Time

For successfully waking up early, rescheduling your sleep time is crucial. It’s common knowledge that staying up late at night won’t support an early morning routine. Your body needs 7-8 hours of sleep to wake up feeling refreshed. Without adequate sleep, you’re likely to feel tired throughout the day, and mornings won’t be as enjoyable.

So, when do you want to wake up in the morning?

If your goal is to rise at 5-6 a.m., aim to go to bed between 9:30-11 p.m. While the standard sleep duration is 7-8 hours, individual needs may vary. Factors like age, health, and personal constitution can influence your required sleep duration.

For those seeking quality sleep and improved health, bedtime yoga can be immensely beneficial. It not only enhances the overall sleep experience but also contributes to a more energized wake-up, making those early mornings more enjoyable.

Bedtime Yoga for Good Quality Sleep

These easy yoga exercises will stretch your muscles and relax your body to give you deep sleep.

Don’t practice them immediately after your dinner. A gap of 3 hours should be there in between your bedtime yoga and dinner.

Try yoga before bed for good quality sleep. These easy yoga will help you to sleep fast and wake up fresh in early morning. How to wake up early in the morning steps. How to sleep fast and wake up early? Read full story here...these easy steps help you to get up early in the morning.

2. Make “Waking Up” Gradually

One of the most effective techniques I’ve personally experienced is the gradual approach to waking up early. It’s essential to understand that changes in your sleep pattern should be gradual rather than abrupt.

Consider this scenario: If you’re accustomed to waking up at 8 a.m. and suddenly decide to rise at 5 a.m., the consequences could be challenging.

  • Day 1: The morning will be tough, and waking up will feel forced, making the experience less enjoyable.
  • Day 2: You’ll likely face a significant sleep deficit, making it even tougher than the first day.
  • Day 3: The abrupt change might lead to failure, and even if you manage to wake up, it won’t be sustainable. Ultimately, you might choose to give in to the temptation to sleep in, abandoning your plans.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many people make the mistake of attempting sudden changes, leading to fatigue and stress throughout the day. Rapid adjustments in waking times are challenging for the body to accept and tend not to be sustainable. Gradual changes are more likely to transform you into a morning person.

The best approach is to make incremental adjustments, such as waking up 20-30 minutes earlier for 2-4 days until you feel acclimated, then repeating the process. This method ensures a smoother transition and increases the likelihood of becoming a consistent early riser.

3. Add “A Purpose” and Get Excited

As mentioned earlier, having a purpose is crucial for making early rising a seamless process. Ensure that you set clear goals or purposes, such as improving your health, engaging in writing, attending to work tasks, or incorporating meditation and yoga into your routine.

Regardless of the reason, adding a purpose to your morning schedule makes it significantly easier to get up early. Consider what excites and motivates you, aligning these motivations with your waking goals.

4. Place Your Alarm Clock Away from Your Bed

The strategic placement of your alarm clock can make a significant difference in your waking routine. Position the alarm clock at a distance from your bed, requiring you to take a few steps to turn it off.

Having the alarm within arm’s reach increases the temptation to hit the snooze button and indulge in an extra 5 minutes of sleep, which often extends beyond that short duration. By keeping the alarm farther away, you’re more likely to resist the snooze temptation. Once you’ve turned off the alarm, take the opportunity to leave the bedroom immediately, reducing the likelihood of returning to bed.

What To Do After Waking Up Early In The Morning

After successfully waking up early, it’s essential to engage in activities that help you stay awake and energized. Here are some recommended actions:

  1. Drink Water: After washing your face, consume a glass of water to rehydrate your body, which may have experienced dehydration during the night. This helps you feel more awake and provides essential fuel for proper bodily functions.
  2. Walk, Run, or Exercise: Engage in a brisk walk, run, or perform stretching exercises for 10-15 minutes to infuse positive energy into your body. Physical activity aids in detoxifying the body, contributing to overall well-being.
  3. Meditate: Allocate 5-10 minutes to sit quietly and focus on deep breathing. Meditation enhances creativity and mental alertness, setting a positive tone for the day.
  4. Write Something You Love: Leverage the early morning’s creative energy to write something inspiring. Whether it’s journaling, jotting down thoughts, or planning your day, this practice fosters a positive mindset.
  5. Read Motivational Journals: Take a few moments to read motivational journals that uplift your spirits. Positive affirmations and motivational content can contribute to maintaining a positive mindset throughout the day.
  6. Enjoy Coffee/Tea/Juice: Treat yourself to a cup of tea, coffee, or any beverage that enhances your morning freshness. This simple ritual can elevate your mood and prepare you for the day ahead.

What You Should Avoid After Waking Up

While adopting healthy habits in the morning is crucial, it’s equally important to steer clear of certain activities that can negatively impact your day. Here are things to avoid after waking up:

  1. Press Snooze More Than Once: Resist the temptation to hit the snooze button repeatedly. Overindulging in extra sleep not only disrupts your wake-up routine but also leaves you feeling groggy and unmotivated.
  2. Don’t Check Your Phone and Emails Immediately: Refrain from immediately checking your phone and emails upon waking. This practice can send signals of stress and work-related concerns to your brain, affecting your morning mindset. Instead, focus on positive and inspiring activities to set a constructive tone for the day.
  3. Avoid Social Media: Steer clear of engaging in social media conversations right after waking up. Research suggests that comparing your life to others on platforms like Facebook can lead to feelings of guilt and depression. Choose to foster a positive mindset in the early hours.
  4. Smoking: Delay smoking for a few hours after waking up. Studies indicate that smoking early in the morning may heighten the risk of cancer. Waiting for 2-3 hours before indulging in this habit is a healthier choice.
  5. Skipping Breakfast: Breakfast is essential to kickstart your metabolism and provide energy for the day. Skipping it can lead to fatigue and decreased focus.
  6. Negative Thoughts: Avoid dwelling on negative thoughts or stressors as soon as you wake up. Instead, focus on positive affirmations to set a optimistic tone for the day.
  7. Overplanning: While planning your day is crucial, overloading your morning with an extensive to-do list can create unnecessary stress. Prioritize tasks and tackle them gradually.
  8. Overconsumption of Caffeine: While a cup of coffee or tea can be invigorating, excessive caffeine intake early in the morning may lead to restlessness and disrupted sleep patterns later on.
  9. Skipping Hydration: After a night’s sleep, your body is dehydrated. Avoid neglecting water intake as staying hydrated is vital for overall well-being and helps in maintaining energy levels.
  10. Neglecting Physical Activity: Physical activity is beneficial in the morning, but avoid diving into intense workouts immediately after waking. Allow your body some time to wake up naturally before engaging in rigorous exercises.

Remember, creating a balanced morning routine involves avoiding habits that may hinder your overall well-being. Choose activities that promote positivity, health, and productivity in the early hours.

Share your thoughts on these suggestions and let us know which ones you plan to incorporate into your morning routine!

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