Quick Morning Workouts for Lazy People to Start an Active Day


Start your morning workouts routine with new energy. Easy morning workouts routine for beginners.

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If you are not a morning person or often feel lazy to start any fitness workout, walking, running to keep yourself active.

Then it’s really for you.

Being lazy doesn’t mean, you ignore the task. But, just delayed it to find out one of the easiest solutions to every problem, as told by Bill Gates.

And, that’s absolutely true in fitness too!!

You don’t need to sweat in the gym, by doing hard dumbbell workout to keep yourself fit and healthy. It’s nothing like you need to move through difficult levels to do something worthy and important, but instead, you can also opt easy solutions.

So, being lazy also have some great benefits. 😉

Try, this easy and quick morning workout plan at home. It will help you to kick-start your day like never before.

5 Easy Morning Workouts for Beginners

Quick and easy morning workouts plan for lazy beginners to start a active day. These easy to do exercise will take your workouts graph slowly. For easy start, its awesome way to lose some weight. Quick morning workouts plan for women. Weight loss workouts plan for beginners.

#1. Jumping Jacks

Target: Total Body

Equipment: Body Weight

Quick morning workouts for lazy people to start a day actively. Jumping jacks exercise for perfect warm up. Easy workouts plan for beginners to start comfortably. Beginners workouts plan for weight loss.
Credit: Trainer.ae

If you remembered, this exercise was one of the sweet childhood memories that we loved to do every time. But we stopped practicing it as we grown up.

At that time, we were not aware of health benefits of this exercise. but now, we know. Right?

So, why don’t we choose it as starting warm-up exercise?

This exercise is whole body workouts and a complete package of happiness (mood enhancers). Apart from warmup, it also helps to improve stamina, relieves stress, aids weight loss, tone up muscles, strengthens your core, hips, shoulders, and legs. To start a fresh morning, its perfect workouts for lazy beginners.

How to do:

  • Stand straight with your feet together and hands on sides.
  • While jumping, raise your arms above your head and spread your feet out wide.
  • Without pausing, quickly reverse the movements and repeat it continuously.
  • Start by doing 10 jumping jacks.

#2. Simple Squats

Target: Glutes, Hamstring, and Quadriceps

Equipment: Body Weight

Looking for best workouts plan for beginners? Try this workout plan to hit your day active. Being as beginners, you need to start an easy exercise plan. to keep all these things in mind, we have created this 5 exercise plan for beginners. best workouts plan for weight loss. Workouts for flat belly. Big butt workout.
Credit: Popsugar

In our daily life, we practice squats many times, like while picking up something from the floor, and getting up and down from the chair. Right?

That’s squat only.

Many people think it just a leg exercise. So, let me clarify, it’s not only for the leg, but another second whole body workout for beginners to start easy. Being a great part of strength building exercise, it also helps to improve the flexibility of lower body, especially firm your buttocks.

How to do:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing outward.
  • Keep your abs contract and torso upright as you bend your knees and lower your hips down as low as you can.
  • Now, quickly push yourself back up to the starting standing position.
  • Repeat, and continue moving your body up and down with control.
  • Practice at least 10-15 reps initially.

#3. Abs Crunches

Target: Abs, thighs, neck, shoulders, and core

Equipment: Bodyweight

Want to get flat abs? try this beginners workout plan that will work on every parts. This beginners workout is made for lazy people that is really very easy to start any fitness plans. Easy workouts plan for beginners. get rid of belly fat. Flat belly workouts. Abdominal exercise for beginners.
Credit: Livestrong

No matter, if you are looking to increase your core strength, or want flat sexy abs, it’s very effective abdominal exercise.

For flat abs and tummy, you can add this exercise into your morning workouts routine as it’s best to attack belly fat and helps to gives you slim and sexy waist. It builds strength and endurance in the specific group of muscles in your stomach, therefore, know as the quickest way to reduce belly fat.

How to do:

  • Lie down straight on your back with knees bent and heels only a few inches from your buttocks.
  • Keep your hands on head to support the pose.
  • While exhaling, bring your shoulders blade off the floor until you feel an intense pressure in abdominal muscles.
  • Make sure to keep your waist stay on the floor. Lift your core and shoulder slightly.
  • Hold the position for few seconds and slowly bring it back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10-15 abs crunch initially and then increase gradually with developing endurance and strength.

#4. Lunges

Target: Hips, knees, and legs

Equipment: Bodyweight

Easy exercise plan for beginner to start a fresh day. Easy and simple workouts for lazy people. Created by fitness experts to make beginners fitness journey easy. Lunges exercise for beginners.
Credit: Womenshealthmag.com

Lunges are very convenient and easy exercise for beginners to start a fitness programme. It works especially on thigh’s fat and helps to tones your legs. Try different variations in every morning workouts for best results.

How to do:

  • Begin with keeping your body straight, shoulder back, chest lifted and chin ups.
  • Contract your abs and take a big step forward, and lower down your hips until your knees bent at 90 degrees.
  • Make sure not to place your foot very far from you.
  • Return to starting position and practice with opposite leg.
  • Repeat 10-15 lunges reps. with each leg.

#5. Stretching Inchworm

Target: Full Body

Equipment: Bodyweight

Planning to make a fitness routine, but somewhere feeling stuck because of your lazy nature? Try this super easy workouts plan for beginners, to kick start your day easy. Beginners workouts plan for weight loss. workouts for beginners.

How to do:

  • Stand straight with feet hips width apart, and arms by your sides.
  • Now take a deep breath, and raise your arms over your head to stretch them more. Make sure your chest should feel lifted at that time.
  • Exhale and slowly fold forward, opening your arms out to your sides and then keep them on the floor (bend knees while pressing your palms on the floor).
  • Walk slowly with your hands and shift your weight forward, bringing shoulder over hands and lowering your torso into full plank position. Keep your abs tight and hold for 1 count.
  • Now gently release your hips to the floor and come in the cobra position by lifting your head and chest upward.
  • Keep your abdomens tights and use it to lift your hips back to into full plank position. Hold for 1 count and roll up slowly back with your hands and feet to the return starting position.
  • Practice 5-10 reps each morning.

To end this morning workouts plan smoothly, practice squats and jumping jacks again on finishing.

Hope this complete morning workouts plans will help you to start your fitness programme easily. So, from today kick-start your every day with healthy energy.

For more healthy updates, be connected with us on Facebook and Pinterest.

Take Care and Stay Healthy!!


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