30-Day Beach Body Challenge For Women


Looking for perfect beach body plan? Try this 30-day beach body challenge to get ready for beach fun. Best bikini body plan for women. now enjoy our sunbath with perfect curves and body shape. This powerful workouts will work great on your body. Flat belly, slim waist, sexy legs and bigger butt everything will turn to give you best curves. Best bikini body challenge. Best beach body workout challenge. Best summer workout for women.

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Take this 30-day beach body challenge for – Slim waist, bigger buttocks, and toned legs.

Summer has come and you might be searching for the best beach body workouts challenge.

So, let me tell you ladies, you have come to the right place.

This 30-day beach body challenge will kick your butt, stretch your body and transform your figure into fabulous one in no time.

But make sure to stick with it and soon you will notice that your hard work starts paying you off best curves.

Keep yourself hydrated and follow a healthy diet.

Beach Body Challenge Plan

Looking for perfect beach body plan? Try this 30-day beach body challenge to get ready for beach fun. Best bikini body plan for women. now enjoy our sunbath with perfect curves and body shape. This powerful workouts will work great on your body. Flat belly, slim waist, sexy legs and bigger butt everything will turn to give you best curves. Best bikini body challenge. Best beach body workout challenge. Best summer workout for women.

7 Best Beach Body Challenge Workouts

  1. Jumping Jacks


Jumping jacks exercise, great warm-up for bikini body challenge. Try this 30-day bikini body challenge for perfect shapes and to start a new journey. Beach body challenge.
Credit: Popsugar

Target: Full Body

Jumping jacks is mind pleasing great warm-up exercise.

Before starting any intense workout, practice such warm-up exercise to lubricate your joints and get into workouts easy.

This complete body workout enhances aerobic fitness, strengthen your body and promote relaxation.

It’s perfect for beginner to start any fitness journey without putting much stress on knees and muscles.

Now, get into this beach body challenge by starting this kido moves.

  1. Sit-ups

Sit-ups exercise for beach body. Try this 30-day bikini body challenge. Transform your body and give best curves to your body. Beach body workout. beach body challenge.
Credit: Dailymail.co.uk

Target: Flat Belly, Build Core & Abdomen Muscles

For perfect summer beach body, you need to work more on your abdominal area and core.

Surprisingly, sit-ups work great on your belly fat as its one of the most effective abdominal exercise.

Initially, it can be difficult to get into this move. So, try to take someone helps to get up while practicing it.

Regular practicing of this single exercise can reward you sexy curves.

Enjoy your flat belly!

Know moves to lose 7 pounds of belly fat in 7 days.

  1. Squat


Squat For Bikini Body. squat for bigger and round buttocks, Best beach body challenge for women. Summer beach body plan.
Credit: Popsugar

Target: Round Buttocks, Toned Thighs and Sexy Legs

The squat is a perfect workout to tone your lower body – Butt, legs, and thighs.

Most effectively it works on glutes, hamstring, and quadriceps muscles.

You can also use the smith machine and leg press if you aren’t up for squats.

But if you can’t access a gym then squat is the best exercise to get bigger toned buttocks, and sexy legs at home.

Don’t miss it, you don’t know how effective it can be to shape up your lower body timelessly.

Best workout I personally would like to recommend. For slim thigh, you can try this workout challenge.

  1. Push-ups

Push ups exercise. Best beach body workout challenge for women.

Target: Chest, Arms, Shoulders, and Triceps

Great exercise to challenge your core. It’ll strengthen your upper body and give you a defined chest, nice arms, and triceps.

Initially, it can be tough, especially if you have never done it before. So, get slowly and increase gradually to build up higher strength and flexibility in your body.

Beginners can try adding incline position for push-ups by resting your hands on a bench or chair.

This bodyweight exercise can be performed anywhere and add a budget-friendly workout to your fitness.

You can also try chest press if have gym access.

  1. High Knees

High knees. Try this 30 day beach body challenge. Best beach body workouts. Perfect bikini body plan.

Target: Firm Buttocks, Toned Legs and Flat Belly

Don’t get fooled by the simplicity of this workout, its more than a warm-up exercise.

This high-intensity cardiovascular exercise activates your core, firm your butt and tone your legs.

So, ladies! If you feel sick with squat, then can try high knee to tone your lower body.

Although it’s very easy cardio exercise but try to keep your knees a bit lower. Go easy.

Soon, you will feel that it’s working great on your lower body and belly to shape up your figure.

  1. Second Plank

Plank exercise. Best 30-day beach body challenge. Perfect bikini body plan for women. .

Target: Flat Abs & Belly, Toned Arms, Strong Core, lower back, great buttocks.

For sexy beach body, you need to work more on your tummy, buttocks, and lower body. Right?

A forearm plank offers all necessary strength to your lower back and teaches body stabilization.

If we look at depth, the transverse abdominus is the real muscles that give you a flat belly.

It sits below your belly button and is extremely important for back and stomach health.

When you move down your midsection, it develops muscles in your butt that tend to be ignored in lots of exercises.

Or you can say, it’s all in one exercise that works on your complete body. Spending 10 minutes per day can raise your body like never before.

  1. Lunges

Lunges exercise for beach body. Perfect bikini body challenge for 30 days.

Target: Toned Buttocks, slim inner thighs, Belly fat, and strengthen legs

Lunges is lower body workout that tightens hip muscles and strengthens your core.

This exercise resembles the normal walking pattern.

Now, all you need to do is step forward your one leg and get lower down. It’s done.

So simple! Right?

To make this move more challenging, you can keep your hands on hips as you step forward and back. This will force your legs, butt, and core for maximum stretch.

Now, waiting for what?

Start working on this 30-day beach body challenge for full body workouts and soon you will realize your shape is getting perfect for sun bath on the beach.

Don’t forget to share your progress with us.

Good luck!!!


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