30-Day Best Thigh Slimming Workout Challenge


30-day thigh slimming workout challenge. Best workouts for women. Get slim thigh and leaner leg with this one

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Get slim, toned thigh and sexy legs with this trusted highly effective 30-day thigh slimming workout plan.

As a women, going stores to stores to buy a pair of jeans to fit into your thighs, is really a very frustrating thing. Right?

But getting lean slim thigh is not out of your reach.

Many people get frustrated when nothing works on those extras thighs pockets.

That’s why we have created this 30-day thigh slimming workout challenge for you.

In this challenge, we have focused on most effective thigh fat burning exercise that will activate your inner and outer thighs muscles directly.

These 5 different thighs slimming workout will tone your lower body greatly. So, start working on this plan to get trim sexy thighs and legs.

Make sure to add a healthy diet plan too along with this thigh slimming workout. It will help you to meet effective results in short span of time.

Enjoy your summer beach party.

Thigh Slimming Workout Challenge:

How to get slim thigh? Try this 30-Day Thigh-Workout-Challenge. Easy and best workout to slim down lower body. 5 easy thigh exercise for women. Get best summer bikini body workout challenge. To get sexy, slim and toned leg is not a dream. Without gym workout for women. Get slim thighs and legs within a month. Sexy body plan for women. Best weight loss plan.

5 Thigh Slimming Exercise:

To successfully reduce fat from your thighs you have to workout at least for 30 days.

These 5 thigh slimming workout will work joined on your lower body for best results.

Start your journey.

  1. Pile Squat

Pile squat exercise for slim thighs. Try this 30 days thigh slimming workout plan. get toned slim thighs in one month. Sim thigh exercise.
Credit: Livestrong

All squat exercise works on thighs, legs, and glutes muscles, but each target your lower body differently.

The unique foot position of pile squat target specifically inner thighs (toning), and glutes (strongest muscles of your butt).

This position allows beginners to progressively adapt to squats with resistance. You can also join this exercise into your warm-up exercises.

How to do:

  • Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides and toes pointing out at an angle 30 degree.
  • Now squat down by bending your knees until your thighs become parallel to the ground.
  • As you lower down your body, raise your hands to meet each other in front of your face.
  • Pause, and return to starting position.

Trainer’s Tips:

  • Keep your back straight when you raise and lower down.
  • Your torso should stay as high as possible.
  • Try to keep your weight on heels.

This exercise will help you to burn 100 calories in every 10 minutes.

Add Pile Squat in Your Lower Body Workouts

Incorporating this exercise to other workouts can strength them  – for lifted butt, slim thighs, and sexy toned legs.

Leaner & Sexy Legs Workout:

How to get slim, toned and leaner leg? Try this slim leg workout for one months to look sexy and outstanding. Exercise for slim, tones leg. 30-Day thigh slimming workout for women. Slim thigh exercise.

  • 10 pile squats
  • 10 cross-behind lunges
  • 10 leg lifts
  • 10 single leg hamstring bridges
  • 1 min. jumping jacks
  • 1 min. mountain climbers

Repeat cycle 3 times.

Legs & Killer Butt Workout:

Trying hard to get sexy legs and bigger butt? follow this sexy leg and killer butt workout to toned your lower body. bikini body workout plan. Legs and butt exercise. 30-day thigh slimming exercise. weight loss tips. Lower body workout for women. Thigh exercise for bikini body.

  • 10 pile squats
  • 10 jump squats
  • 10 glutes bridges
  • 10 fire hydrants
  • 1 min. of butt kick
  • 1 min. of mountain climbers

Repeat cycle 3 times.

  1. Lateral Leg Swings

Try this 30-day thigh slimming workouts for firm,toned and sexy thighs and legs. Leg swings exercise for slim thigh. Lower body workout for women.
Credit: Pinterest

Great warm-up exercise that target hip muscles, joints, and inner thigh powerfully. Its movement’s help to reduce pain and stress in thighs and butt area.

There are 2 variations –  forward and lateral side leg swings. Pairing them together will give you a complete inner thigh stretch.

Soon you will feel more strength and flexibility in your lower body. Practicing it regularly will protect you from workout injury too.

How to do:

  • Start by standing on your feet together and arms on sides.
  • Now, lift your right leg out to the side by balancing on the left.
  • Swing the right leg in front of left leg and then keep it back to starting position.
  • Lift the left leg and repeat the same.

Trainer’s Tip:

  • Keeps your abs tight, upper body stable.
  • Take your legs to its full motion.
  • Initially, you can take the support of the wall.
  1. Side Lunges

Side lunges exercise for slim thigh. Try this 30-day thigh slimming workouts. Get toned, firm and slim legs and thighs with this summer sexy body plan.
Credit: Pinterest

Side lunges is another most effective exercise that targets your glutes, hamstring, and outer thighs. If you want round, and bubbly butt, then try this 4-week big butt workout challenge. 

It will activate your thigh muscles directly by holding side by side motion, therefore, works great on slimming your thighs.

How to do:

  • Stand straight with legs slightly wider than shoulder distance apart.
  • Keep your toes pointed forward and core tight.
  • Take a large step to right by bending your knees and shift your body weight to right leg.
  • Try to press it down until it reaches at 90-degree angle to the ground.
  • Keep your other leg as straight as you can.
  • Return to center position and switch the sides.

Trainer’s Tips:

  • Make sure not to drop your chest too far forward.
  • Don’t allow your knees to push forward to your toes.

You burn 100 calories in every 10 minutes of this single exercise.

Add Side Lunges in Other Workouts

When joined it with other workouts, helps to boost the power of that particular programme. Here are some ideas that you can follow to take its greatest benefits.

#1. Sexy Leg Workout:

Must adding exercise to any leg workouts plan.

To get sexy, slim and toned legs, try this easy workout for women at home. Without gym workout for women. Summer bikini body plan for women. Best leg workout.

  • 10 side lunges
  • 10 skaters
  • 10 squats
  • 10 squat jump
  • 10 forward lunges
  • 10 split jumps
  • 1 min. jump-rope with no rope

Repeat this cycle 3 times.

#2. 10-Minute Circuits Training Workout

A great exercise to include into circuit training as this is bodyweight exercise only.

Try this circuit training workout for lower body. Best workout for women. Summer slim body plan for women. Try this 30-day thigh slimming workout challenge.

  • 30 seconds side lunges
  • 30 seconds high knees run
  • 30 seconds push ups
  • 30 seconds burpees

Rest for 1 minutes and repeat this cycle for more 2 times. You can directly move from one exercise to other without taking any break.

#3. In Warm-up Exercise

This exercise lubricates your joints and prepares your legs for an intense workout.

If don't know from where to start your workouts sessions for weight loss? Follow these Warm-up exercise to get ready for any workout. Best warm up exercise for beginners. Best weight loss warm up workouts. Weight loss tips.

Warm Up #1:

  • 10 side lunges (5 per side)
  • 10 squats
  • 10 hip circles
  • 10 mummy kicks

Warm Up #2:

  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 10 side lunges
  • 5 push ups
  • 10 jumping jacks
  1. Side-lying Leg Lift

Find 30-day thigh slimming workout challenge. Slim thigh exercise for one month. Side lying leg lift exercise for slim thigh. Thigh fat burning workout. Sexy lower body workout plan.
Credit: Shutterstock

One very easy to practice thigh slimming exercise that you can do even while watching TV.

Its lying and standing variations make it versatile to practiced nearly anywhere.

This exercise should be performed every other day for muscles recovery.

How to do:

  • Start with lying down on one side with your top hand in front of your abs and other hand supporting your head.
  • Lift your top leg straight about 6-8 inches height off the ground or as maximum as you can. Hold this height for few seconds.
  • After return back to starting position and do the same with opposite side.
  • Make sure you train both sides.

You can choose resistance band for the more challenge.

Trainer’s Tips:

  • Lift your leg with control to create movement, not momentum.
  • Try to keep your hips
  1. Inner Thigh Pulses

Try 30-day thigh slimming workout challenge. Inner thigh pulses exercise. Best slim thigh workout plan for summer. Thigh slimming exercise.
Credit: Blogilates

This thigh slimming workout may look weird but really very effective and targeting. It burns your bottom inner thigh fat fast.

How to do:

  • Lie down on one side with your forearm propping your torso up.
  • Bend the top leg and place your heel in front of other leg’s thigh, while toes must pointing out.
  • Support your front leg with hands and at the same time lift your bottom leg ups as high you can and down straight while pointing your toes down.
  • Now change the bent leg, and repeat the same with another leg.

Trainer’s Tips:

  • Support your top leg by hand to keep your top hip from rolling back.

Now, what’s next?

Start this 30-day thigh slimming workout challenge to transform your look as more summer beach parties are still pending.

Soon you will notice that you are getting strong and leaner thigh in NO TIME if stick to a healthy meal plan too.

But don’t forget to tell us if you are in.

Hope you find it worth doing. Share your views and results with us to inspire other people.

Till then,

Good Luck and Stay Fit!!

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