Drink & lose weight naturally | Benefits of Green tea for weight loss


Drink Green tea for weight loss. Benefits of green tea and how to prepare for weight loss. Best time and when to avoid green tea for weight loss.

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Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on earth that is loaded with lots of antioxidants.

We all have habits of drinking tea every day. But what if tea can help to lose weight?

Yes, it’s surprising but possible!!

but for that, you have to replace your tea with this healthy green tea.

Although it doesn’t taste good, but if you started drinking once, its results will amaze you.

The high amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals provide numerous health benefits for weight loss, beautiful skin, hair, anti-aging, healthy metabolism, healthy heart, active brain and more.

Nowadays it becomes favorite drinks for people who want to reduce weight by eating and drinking as it is the easiest ways to reduce weight naturally.

According to 2007 statistics from the WHO, the United States has the highest prevalence of overweight adults. You will surprise to hear that two out of three American are considered to be overweight. Around $147 billion spent in medical expenses per year in the United States. (via)

This data states that health of many people wrapped up in poor lifestyle and unhealthy diet that leads to arising many diseases. Stop consuming junk food which promotes lots of calorie gain in your body. So, Take care of yourself and go for the green drinks.

Is green tea good for health?

Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves, which promote metabolic rate, increase fat oxidation and even improve insulin activity.

The various study has shown the numerous benefits of green tea form weight loss to anti-aging.

Still, most of the people are unaware about the benefits of green tea for weight loss and keep asking-

How green tea helps in losing weight” and “which green tea is good for weight loss?”

So, before we talk about the benefits of green tea for weight loss. Let’s update your knowledge about how does green tea works.

How does green tea work- Science behind green tea for weight loss

Don’t think that green tea is just a hot, flavored water. It is more than that. The bioactive substance in green leaves dissolve in hot water and make it miracle drink that can cure you of many health problems.

Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves which help to burn fat.

  • Antioxidants in green tea inhibit lipolysis, the process that broke down dietary fats (triglycerides) in the body. This inhibition of breakdown of fats prevent fat absorption and help to lose weight.
  • Polyphenol found in green tea boost level of fat burning rate at which your body turns food into calories.
  • Catechins (EGCG) in green tea prevent enzymes that help in fat storage in the body, therefore burn fat.
  • Catechins also remove free radicals from the body and provide healthy skin and hair. (via)

These are some powerful biological process that shows how green tea helps to lose weight. Regular yoga and weight loss workout can add advantage.

Apart from weight loss, green tea offers many other benefits you should know.

Why green tea? Health benefits of green tea

Green tea has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese tradition as medicine. Now again the trend came when people want to get cured naturally. No single drug or supplement offers such a long list of health benefits.

Even doctors recommend consuming green tea regularly because of its incredible health benefits in the human body. Fitness experts and celebrities prefer to drink green tea for weight loss and as anti-aging food to get a perfect sexy body and glowing skin.

Know why experts and doctors suggest drinking green tea.

Healthy Benefits of Green Tea. Benefits of green tea for weight loss. When to drink green tea for weight loss.

1). Compounds in green tea help to improve brain function and make you smart and active.

2). Antioxidants in green tea lower the risk of certain cancers like breast, prostate and colorectal.

3). Protect your brain in old age and lowers down the risk of Parkinson and Alzheimer disease.

4). Improve dental health (teeth and gums) and protect against infection.

5). Lowers risk of type 2 diabetes.

6). Protect against stroke and cardiovascular disease and keep your heart healthy.

7). Helps in weight loss.

8). Anti-Aging

9). Prevent hair fall and keep them healthy

10). Relieve headache

11). Prevent bad breath and detoxify your body

12). Beautiful skin

13). Improve digestion

14). Reduce stress hormones and calm nervous system

15). Lower down cholesterol

Which variety of green tea is best for weight loss?

Be careful while choosing the brands and variety of green tea as the quality of tea leaves creates lots of differences in its power. To reap the maximum benefits, look for brands that use all natural ingredients and without artificial preservatives.

  • Look for lots of antioxidant content. Consumer labs tested 24 brands of green tea and found that Lipton green tea, Teavana Gyokuro Imperial Green Tea, and Harney & Sons Organic Green Tea had the most antioxidants.
  • Always prefer loose leaf tea as they are highly potent.
  • Choose organic green tea.
  • Avoid older leaves (not more than 6 months) and prefer first harvest green tea (Between March and April) to take maximum benefits.
  • Once purchased and opened, keep leaves in airtight container or store in cool place to prevent reducing its healthy nutrients.
  • Try to opt these two varieties of green tea if possible- Matcha and Hojicha

Matcha Green Tea:

Its powdered form of green leaves that contain higher chlorophyll content which is responsible for the green color of green tea.

You can drink by mixing it with hot water. You will get the light and sweet taste that is highly natural.

Hojicha Green Tea:

Its Japanese green tea that is roasted in a porcelain pot over charcoal, whereas most Japanese teas are steamed.

The tea is fired at a high temperature, altering the leaf color tints from green to reddish brown. It contains lower levels of caffeine. (via)

Also Read: Detox drinks for glowing skin and weight loss

How to prepare green tea for weight loss

There are various methods to prepare green tea for weight loss, but I will explain the simple and easiest way.

If you have-

1). Green tea bags:

  • Open the tea bag and keep leaves on the strainer.
  • Now, pour hot water over the tea extract directly.
  • For the brewing, don’t let the water come to a full boil. Instead, pour the water over the tea right before it boils.
  • Let the tea steep for 3-4 minutes.
  • Enjoy your tea.

2). Powder green tea:

  • Take a cup of water and add one tablespoon of powdered green tea in a saucepan.
  • Boil until green tea powder falls to the bottom.
  • Strain it and drink.
  • For more taste, you can add honey and lemon juice.

3). Green tea steaming

  • Boil water and add 5-6 green tea leaves in boiled water and cover the container with lid for 2 minutes to steam properly.
  • This will change the color of green tea. Strain it and drink it.
  • Add honey for more taste.

Also Read: Detox drink for flat belly

When to drink green tea for weight loss:

The timing of green tea varies for the purpose you want to drink like, green tea for weight loss or green tea for anti-aging and antioxidants.

Here, on the basis of some research, we are presenting best time to drink green tea for weight loss and when you need to avoid green tea to prevent its side effects.

Best time to drink green tea for weight loss

Best Time to drink green tea. When to drink green tea for weight loss. Right time to drink green tea for best result. Avoid side effects of green tea.

1). After breakfast– Prevent Dehydration

2). Half an hour before exercise– Burn Fat

3). An hour before and after meals– Prevent Fat Absorption

4). 1-2 hours before going to bed– Weight Loss

When to avoid green tea to prevent its side effects

1). On empty stomach in the morning

2). Immediate after meals

3). Immediate before sleep

4). Don’t drink more than 3 cups of green tea per day

5). Avoid milk and sugars in green tea

6). Avoid reusing green tea bags

Regular consumption of green tea helps to make your body fit and slim. So keep doing exercise and drink green tea to lose weight naturally.

Also Read: Best and Worst Time to Eat Fruits

Does green tea contain caffeine? Green tea vs black tea

Most of the people concerned about the caffeine content of green tea. how much caffeine green tea contains than other tea, let’s talk about it.

Well! All teas- black and green– picked from the leafy green shrub in the same family as Camellia plants (Camellia sinensis). The caffeine content of green tea Green tea varies from one type to another (Quality).

To make black tea, green leaves are fermented that break down it’s most of the active compounds. While in case of green tea, it is prepared by light steaming, that help to preserve its bioactive compounds.

This unprocessed way to makes green tea helps to retain its color and healthy nutrients than any other tea.

While the caffeine content, in spite of variety, depends on quantity too. Brewing large quantity of green tea for a long time can increase the amount of caffeine content in your green tea.

So try to steep green leaves for a small interval of time to avoid caffeine content. Add leaves only in boiled water and cover it for steaming process as this is the healthiest way to prepare green tea for weight loss. Don’t boil leaves and water together.

How much green tea should I drink?

According to researchers and doctors, the optimal consumption is 3-5 cups of green tea daily.

How to drink green tea for weight loss

  • You should drink 30-40 min after each meal.
  • Drink 2 hours before bedtime to lose weight naturally.
  • Choose fresh leaves if you have, pour hot water directly over the leaves.
  • Always prefer organic green tea.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat healthy fruits for fast weight loss.

Also Read: 10 Easy diet change for fast weight loss

Drink green tea for weight loss. When to drink green tea for weight loss. How to avoid side effect of green tea. How to prepare green tea for weight loss.

Don’t think that drinking green tea all day long can help you to lose many pounds. You also need to take care of few things in other ways like not smoking, eating a healthy diet for weight loss, regular exercise and workout to get fast results. So keep drinking and stay healthy.

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1 thought on “Drink & lose weight naturally | Benefits of Green tea for weight loss”

  1. Does the green Tea have to be hot for the benefits to work. I really like ice tea can I make it hot and then chill it and drink it will it have the same benefit. Do I even have to heat it up can I make cold tea?


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