How to get Fair Skin : 5 Ways to use Potato for brightening and glowing skin


5 Ways to use potato for fair skin | Get fair skin | Tips to get fair skin

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To get fair and glowing skin, now no need to go for an expensive chemical treatment. There are many natural beauty ingredients that can help you to get fair skin naturally at home without spending lots of money in the parlor.

Before going to a party, wedding, and other occasions, you can give a week trial to this natural beauty treatment to look younger and beautiful.

Today, I come with potato juice for fair skin and whitening tone. Here I will explain how to use potato juice with other ingredients to get fair skin. But before you need to understand why potato is good for skin and help to make it fair and glowing.

How is potato juice good for skin?

Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and vitamin C that boost collagen production which maintains skin elasticity. The natural bleaching property of potatoes helps to lighten dark spots and remove pigmentation from facial skin.

Potatoes are loaded with essentials vitamin (A, C, and B), calcium, phosphorus, proteins, and fibers that help to removes dead skin cells and make it look fresh, younger and fair.

The bleaching enzymes of potatoes give amazing fairness and softness to skin if using continues. Daily application of potato juice can show you its effectiveness within a week.

To get more effective results, you can use it with honey, lemon and rose water too.

Natural Remedy to get Fair Skin:

1st Remedy to get fair skin:

Potato juice mask can give you fair and bright skin tone, here’s how to use it | Get fair skin | Natural Remedy to get fair skin | Tips to get fair skin |


  • Potato juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey

How to make:

  • Take one potato and wash it properly.
  • Cut it into pieces, don’t peel off its skin, as its high in nutrition.
  • Blend the potato pieces to make a thin paste.
  • Keep this paste in a thin clean cloth to squeeze out its juice.
  • Juice is ready to use.

How to apply:

  • Before applying, wash your face with lukewarm water as it gets easily absorbed in the clean
  • Apply this juice on the face with cotton ball.
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off.
  • You can store this juice in the fridge for one week and use it every day to get fair skin.

For oily skin:

If your skin is oily, then you can add 2 tbsp. of lemon juice as lemon are rich in vitamin C that helps to control the excess of oil secretion and keep your skin healthy and free from acne. It also has natural bleaching property that lightens the skin tone and dark spots.

For dry skin:

If your skin is dry, you can add one tbsp. of honey to potato juice. Honey helps to heal scars and keeping your skin healthy. It’s hydrating property moisturizes and nourishes your skin.

For large pores:

If you have large skin pores then you can add 2 tbsp. of rose water into potato juice. Rose water helps to maintain the skin pH and tighten the skin pores. Best skin toner that removes dirt, impurities and dead skin cells to lighten the skin.

2nd Remedy to get fair skin:

Potato paste mask for fair and bright skin tone.  5 Ways to use potato for fair skin | Get fair skin | Natural Remedy to get fair skin | Tips to get fair skin |


  • Potato
  • Rose water
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey

How to make:

  • Take a clean potato, cut it into pieces.
  • Now add these pieces into a blender with 2 tbsp. of rose water.
  • Blend potato to get a smooth paste.
  • The paste is ready to apply.

How to apply:

  • Apply this paste gently on facial skin.
  • Keep it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the paste while massaging in the circular motion to remove dead skin cells.
  • Wash it off with clean normal water.

You can’t store this paste, make it fresh whenever you want to use it to get fair skin.

For oily skin:

To remove excess oil from face, you can add 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

For dry skin:

To moisturize the skin, you can add 1 tablespoon of honey. It also helps to remove wrinkles and fine lines.

For normal skin:

If your skin is normal, then you can add both lemon and honey in equal proportion to get fair and clear skin tone.

Also Read: Rose Water for Face & Skin Care

3rd Remedy to get fair skin:

Potato Slice For Lightening Dark Spots | Ways to use potato for fair skin | Get fair skin | Natural Remedy to get fair skin |


  • Potato slice

How to use:

  • Take a potato and wash it properly.
  • Now cut it into 4-5
  • Rub this slice on the face and under the dark eye.

This remedy will lighten up the dark under eye circles and scars too.

4th Remedy to get fair skin:

Potato and Fuller earth for acne/ pimples | Potato mask for fair and bright skin tone | Natural Remedy to get fair skin |


  • Potato paste
  • Fuller earth (Multani Mitti)
  • Pinch of Camphor

How to make:

  • Make a thin potato paste in the blender.
  • Add 1 tbsp. of fuller earth and a pinch of camphor in paste if suffering from acne/pimples.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly.

How to apply:

  • Apply a thin layer of this paste on the skin to get fair skin. Cooling property of fuller earth helps to heal acne and pimples.
  • Wash your face while removing paste in the circular
  • You can use this potato beauty mask thrice a week for best results.

5th Remedy to get fair skin:

Potato and Tomato Juice for skin lightening | Potato mask for fair skin | Potato Remedy for skin care | Natural Remedy to get fair skin |


  • Potato juice
  • Tomato juice

How to make:

  • Clean them with water and blend to extract out its juice.
  • You can squeeze juice from paste by using a thin clean cloth.
  • Collect the juice in a bowl.

How to apply:

  • Apply this juice using a cotton ball on face and neck area.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash your face with clean normal water.
  • You can store this juicy solution in the fridge for 2 days.

This remedy will improve your skin complexion and make it soft and spotless.

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