12 Cooling Foods You Must Eat to Beat Summer Heat

Try these 12 best cooling foods to eat in summer to protect your body from summer heat. Best sun protecting foods to eat. Best hydrating foods for summer. Refreshing foods for summer.

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Ditch summer heat with these cool & refreshing foods…

Summer is already hitting down to us. And these heat waves seem to refused settle on a cool note.

Now its time when you need to take care of your body more. To fight this summer heat, you must binge on some refreshing and cooling foods.

Just simple changes in your diet can help you protect from the summer disorder.

For that, you really need to focus on some cooling and hydrating foods. These foods are super nourishing to soothe your body from the summer heat.

Find 12 super cooling foods that will keep your body temperature under control and prevent you from getting sunstroke.

Take a look and stay hydrated with these foods…

1. Watermelon

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One of the refreshing, juicy, and hydrating fruits you must eat in summer.

This watery food is a symbol of summer arrival. Eating these fruits is like enjoying on the beach with a cocktail in hand.

These are so refreshing and light that won’t even make you feel you already had them.

Not only that, it’s pretty red color is due to the rich source of lycopene, which is a heat protective compound. It also found in tomatoes.

This seasonal fruit contains 91.45 percent water, that fulfills your body water content requirement.

It also has lots of anti-oxidants that make your skin more beautiful and radiant in summer.

Apart from cooling properties, It also keeps your appetite full, therefore keeps your body weight maintained.    

Try These 6 Ways To Eat Watermelon – 

2. Cucumber

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Cucumbers are the second most watery fruits you must eat in summer.

It’s full of all essentials and beauty nutrients that you need for your glowing skin, shiny hair and a healthy body.

You can eat them in various ways like in a salad, smoothies, juices, as paste, or plain.

Its hydrating properties make it super cooling fruits to chill in summer.

Adding cucumber in your daily diet can maintain your body heat, so, consume it every day.

Best Ways To Eat Cucumber – 

3. Lemon Iced Tea

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A morning without tea or coffee seems to look incomplete. Right?

But in summer, having these hot beverages can heat us even more. So, why not to replace them with some refreshing ice stuff?

Adding some ice cubes can make it your morning more chilling and refreshing.

Yes! Lemons are great heat soothing foods that are filled with vitamin C. This beauty vitamin makes your skin more glowing and beautiful to kiss the sun every day.

Lemons also help to cleanse or detoxify your body naturally. You can also add some fresh mint leaves to ditch summer heat.

Get the recipes of iced tea at All Recipes. 

4. Musk Melon

Credit: Practo

Another healthy melon – musk melon – unfortunately ignored in summers. But let me tell you like watermelon, musk melon also has cooling properties to maintain your body heat normal.

It’s highly nutritious, refreshing and healthy. They are excellent for your stomach, help you lose weight, prevent high blood pressure, protect against heart disease and from common cold and flues.

It’s rich in calcium, magnums, vitamin A, C, and folate.

You can add them in dessert, salad, smoothies, or in milkshakes. It’s also considered as an excellent blood purifier.

5. Coconut Water

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One of the best summer drink that keeps you cool all day long.

Its healthy nutrients help you to fight against hot weather. Drinking coconut water daily replenishes all those nutrients to your body that you lose after sweating.

But make sure to drink it fresh.

6. Salad Leaves

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Green salad is a powerhouse of lots of anti-oxidants that prevent you to age fast.

A bowl of amaranth leaves, rocket leaves, basil or other herbs, topped with a yogurt dressing, makes a great summer salad.  

These are a powerhouse of lots of vitamins that help you to keep your body temperature normal in summer.

In this green salad, you can also add fruits, nuts, peppers, mint, and coriander leaves to make it yummy and healthy.

This is stove free preparation of summer. All these leafy vegetables are excellent herb for your hair, skin, and body.

You can also add some healthy fats like avocados, hard-boiled eggs, and lean protein to turn it into a meal.

Easy Green Salad Recipes For Summer – 

7. Detox Water

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Now, this is one of the most popular drink for weight loss and beautiful skin tone.

People love to drink water – added with lots of fruits flavor and nutrients.

And then detox arise…

These detox water is not only healthier but also delicious and easy to prepare.

It’s best for the people who hate drinking plain boring water to fulfill their body’s water requirement.

From past one decades, this drink has gathered all the charm and trust from all over the world.

From weight loss to cleansing and to get beautiful skin tone, it works wonderfully.

Surely you will love to try these delicious fruits drink.

Know how to prepare these fruits infused water drinks recipes.

8. Buttermilk

Credit: Madhu’s Kitchen

Buttermilk – Indians first choice for summer.

It’s another form of curd that is super healthy, cooler and tastier. You can make it sweet, or spicy as the way you like it.

For spicy taste, add few coriander leaves, cumin powder, salt, and black pepper.

Some people also add green chilies and ginger for a more spicy and tangy taste.

But if it’s not your choice, then don’t be worried, you can also add some sugar, and ice cubes. Now stir it well until getting dissolve.

Enjoy your another cool and refreshing summer drink.

9. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds also have cooling and soothing properties.

To grab its cooling benefit, you need to soak a handful of seeds overnight in water, strain it in the morning and have this water.

It lowers down your body temperature smoothly.

10. Mint Leaves 

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Summer’s super refreshing and cooling herb that you can use in almost every dishes to garnish.

Adding them in curd, water, lemon water, iced tea, and in detox drinks can help you to protect from the summer heat.

Mint leaves have cooling properties that help you to maintain your body temperature normal in summer.

Just one sip of its flavor can make you aware of its amazing cooling effects.

So, enjoy every dish but with little fragrance of mint!!

11. Green Leafy Vegetables

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Green leafy – one of the evergreen solution of your health problems.

Eating green veggies have numerous health benefits over the human body. But the bad thing is, we just ignore it like anything and focus on eating junkies. 

Eating them in salad, soups, as a meal or in juices nourish your body with lots of powerful nutrients. These nutrients protect your body from the external heat.

Apart from these, they maintain your heart health, brain health, blood pressure, blood sugar level, and many more.

Weight loss, beautiful skin, healthy hair are some other beauty benefits of eating them regularly.

12. Lemon Water

Lemon is what you shouldn’t ignore in summer.

It’s rich in vitamin C that boosts your skin and hair health.

Apart from this, it helps you to maintain your body pH level and protect your body from external heat up.

A 2-3 glass of lemon water in summer can keep you refreshing and energetic throughout the day.

Lemon water is highly popular for weight loss, cleansing body, and for glowing skin tone.

So why not to grab its maximum benefits?

Know how to drink lemon water for weight loss. 

Enjoy summer and beat this heat cheerfully!!!

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