Lemon Water for Weight Loss: How It Works & When to Drink for Maximum Results

Lemon water is one of the most refreshing drinks, mostly consumed in summer.

It’s rich in vitamin C that rejuvenates your skin, help in weight loss and removes toxins from your body.

Every day this drink will keep you surprised with its amazing cleaning benefits.

Lemon water for weight loss is recommended by many doctors and fitness expert during their “weight loss program” to speed up the fat burning rate and metabolism.

Here we’re presenting a complete guide on lemon water for weight loss that you must know if trying to shed a few pounds.

Reap its benefits!

In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of lemon water, and when to drink to lose weight.

But before starting, it’s important to know how lemon water works for weight loss. Many people doubt the potency of lemon water.

If you are one of them, then don’t worry it’ll clear soon. 

Is Lemon Water Good For Weight Loss?

Did you ever notice why doctors and fitness experts suggest drinking lemon water for weight loss?

Let’s find out!

We all know that lemons are loaded with lots of vitamin C and antioxidants that boost body metabolism and fat burning mechanism.

A study published in, The Journal of America College of Nutrition” in 2005, says that vitamin C is inversely proportional to your body mass.

Means when you consume vitamin C, your body creates a series of chemical reaction that helps to break down your body fat and use its energy for further work, therefore, cut the craving for food. People who don’t consume vitamin C, are resistant to these reactions.

The second reason, why lemon work for weight loss is its acidic nature. Drinking lemon water can lower the absorption of sugars from the food we eat, which means less sugar will be converted into fat.

Drinking lemon water in the morning improves digestion and lead to better absorption of calcium from the food we eat.

Research has shown that calcium also helps to enhance the fat burning mechanism of lemon water.

Ingredients Role In Lemon Water 

The recipe contains only 3 ingredients:

Let’s know how these ingredients help you to lose weight. 

If we talk about water, I don’t need to explain its benefits upon waking up in the morning. 

Research shows that drinking 400 ml of water on an empty stomach in the morning increases your metabolism ( the rate at which your body burn calories).

During the night, your body becomes dehydrated.

So, when you wake up in the morning, it requires at least 2 glass of water to recharge its organ to function properly.

Second is lemon, we all know that lemons are a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

As I explained above that vitamin C has the potency to lose your few pounds. That’s why you need to start drinking lemon water by today itself as its one of the easiest trick you can do. 

A study published in ‘Journal of Biochemical Nutrition’ states that polyphenols (antioxidants) found in lemon suppress weight gain, high blood sugar, and accumulation of fat in the body.

Lemon water for weight loss is not just a single benefit, it also helps in the prevention and control of diabetes and obesity.

And the final ingredient is Honey! Honey is used to add a naturally sweet flavor to your lemon water.

15 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

1. Boost Your Immune System

No doubt! lemon water is best to boost your immune system.

For your stomach to function properly, it requires vitamin C and other essential nutrients.

As we all know that lemons are a rich source of vitamin C that strengthen your immune system, remove toxins from your body and protect it against several diseases.

You can also add fresh lemon juice to your daily diet. One lemon contains 180% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.

So, if you feel you require a boost to defend against common seasonal ailments, then drink lemon water for protection.

2. Improve Digestion

Drinking lemon water every day improve your digestion. Remember that your stomach love lemon juice and vitamin C as a favorite dose.

It kills those harmful bacteria that enabled digestion and keep the food for a longer time in your digestive tract.

Lemon water gives relief from indigestion and gastric problems.

When you feel the gastric problem, prefer drinking lemon water with black salt.

3. Cleanse Liver, Kidney, & Blood

Drinking lemon water in the morning can help you to remove out harmful toxins from the body.

It boosts up enzymes activity in the body that help in digestion, blood purification, and other kidney and liver function.

4. Detox Body

Because of its acidic nature, it detoxifies your body and removes all the disease-causing harmful toxins from your body.

For your body to function best, you should maintain the habit of drinking lemon water every day to flush out toxins.

Try this 21-day detox diet plan for cleansing and weight loss.

5. Remove Blemishes & Spots

Lemon water is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that help to reduce blemishes, wrinkles, and scars.

Vitamin C is a beauty vitamin that your skin requires for the regeneration of new cells.

It also detoxifies your blood and maintains healthy blood flow throughout your body, therefore, gives you a radiant glowing face.

6. Weight Loss

Lemon water for weight loss is highly known among people.

It’s the most popular drink for people who want to lose some weight without workout and exercise.

“Pectin fiber” in lemon water helps to fight hunger cravings and boost your energy level to kick start your day.

7. Aids Metabolism

Lemon has the potency to fight toxins and harmful bacteria that slows your metabolism rate.

To improve your body metabolism and digestion, start drinking lemon water.

8. Increase Energy

Lemon water is filled with lots of energy nutrients that provide essential minerals to recharge your body.

If you feel tired throughout the day, start consuming this energy booster drink.

It’ll enhance your energy level and productivity by clearing your mind.

9. Clear & Glowing Skin

Regular drinking of lemon water can clear all those blemishes, dark spots, and scars from your facial skin.

It’ll lighten up your skin tone by giving you natural glowing clear face. It has numerous health benefits for hair too.

10. Balance pH

Lemon is alkaline food, that means acidic.

When you consume lemon, its acidity doesn’t harm your body as it easily gets metabolized.

It reduces the inflammation and maintains the pH level of your body to function healthily.

11. Promote Overall Health

Vitamin C and ascorbic acid in lemon improve capillaries health and overall blood flow.

Ascorbic have anti-inflammatory properties that promote wound healing and reduce the effect of free radicals which damage healthy cells.

Therefore, drinking lemon water every day boost your overall health.

12. Prevent Bad Breath

Vitamin C in lemon water helps to prevent gum inflammation and disease that cause bad breath later. (1)

The antibacterial agents in lemon prevent those harmful bacteria from sticking to teeth and tongue that results in bad breath.

To prevent bad mouth odor, start drinking lemon water, lemon tea, and lemon detox drinks to flush out those harmful bacteria.

13. Lower Stress Level

Lemon water contains lots of vitamin C that plays a major role in adrenal gland function.

Because most of the vitamin C stored in the adrenal gland used in the production of the hormone cortisol that deals directly with stress and anxiety. (2)

So, if you feel stressed most of the time, then start drinking lemon water every day to boost your metabolism. It will be beneficial if you add honey.

Try these Yoga for instant stress relief

14. Power Up Your Brain

Lemon juice is a rich source of potassium too that alert your mind and the nervous system quickly.

In order to activate your mind and body, start drinking lemon water every morning.

It’s good for your heart as well.

# 15. Anti-Aging

Free radicals are the main reason for early aging, wrinkles, and spots.

Vitamin C in lemon neutralize the free radicals and slows aging by keeping your skin healthy and younger looking.

Try these best anti-aging foods

How to Make Lemon Water For Weight Loss?

The best thing about this lemon drink is it’s easy to prepare. You just required three ingredients.

Steps to Prepare:

Some dieticians, also prefer to eat lemon peel along with the juice. Because the lemon peel contains pectin that reduces sugar absorption and therefore helps in weight loss.

Important Note:

Always prefer fresh lemons to squeeze out the juice. Don’t buy lemon juice from the grocery shop as they are packed with preservatives and chemicals.

When to Drink Lemon Water For Weight Loss?

There are numerous health benefits of drinking lemon water throughout the day.

But do you know the right time to drink lemon water for weight loss?

It’s morning on empty stomach!

If you want to lose a few pounds, then start drinking lemon water in the morning to enhance your fat burning rate.

Try Some Lemon Detox Drinks For Weight Loss

These are powerful lemon detox water for weight loss. You can consume these drinks throughout the day.

Prepare these delicious drink at night so you can keep it in the refrigerator for overnight to add its flavor in the water.

You can also prepare it 2 hours before serving. It will detoxify your body and keep you energized. 

Know more about how to prepare detox drinks for weight loss and their benefits. Click on the below link.

Also Read: 15 DIY Weight Loss Detox Drinks

Give A Trial to Lemon Water!

Lemons are beneficial for weight loss, whether you prepare refreshing detox drinks or lemon honey water.

It’ll always support weight loss. Apart from lemon drink, eat a healthy balanced diet regularly.

Drink lemon water every day to reap its maximum benefits.

Enjoy your drink!

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