Cleanse Your Body Naturally with Detox Foods, Drinks and Bath

How to cleanse and detox your body naturally? Find the best 3 ways to detoxify your body at home. Best body cleanse foods, drinks and bath. Tips to detoxify your body.

To enhance your beauty, you do lots of experiments on the skin, but always ignore the facts that detoxification can also make your eyes sparkling and skin glowing while cleansing your body at the same time.

Detoxification not only flushes out harmful toxins but negative vibrations too. It helps to raise your body many ways, such as weight loss, liver cleansing, blood purification, glowing skin, healthy mind, positive energy flow, bowel regulation and more.

Our sedentary lifestyle and bad food habits such as junkies, alcohol, sugar, caffeine and nicotine increase the toxic load in your body and makes you feel weakens and stressed.

Detoxification will help to reduce your body dependency on these substances and boost your overall health.

So, if you want to fast track your health, then give yourself a break and try these detoxification process to cleanse your body.

Why is Detoxification Necessary?

Detoxification is cleansing your body (blood) by eliminating toxins and other impurities.

It will help to cleanse your blood from liver, kidneys, intestine, lungs, lymphatic system, where toxins get accumulated are processed for elimination.

Do you know how many toxins you consume through environment pollutants, pesticides, chemicals in personal care, through daily bad diet habits and cleaning supplies?

It’s millions per day.

And what toxins do in your body?


Just make your body weakens and develops the life threating disease – cancer.

So, detoxification is very necessary.

But now the question arises, how to detoxify your body naturally?

For detoxification, you can choose any process, such as diet, drinks, bath, foods, and others. But stay away from the supplements that promise you to cleanse your body naturally.

How Do You Know If You Need Detoxification?

Detoxification is necessary at least once a year, says Peter Bennett, N.D., co-author of 7-Day Detox Miracle.

There are numerous of toxins in our environment that we consume daily through breathing, poor food quality and by various sedentary lifestyle activities.

But now the question arises that how we’ll get to know that our body is loading with numerous harmful toxins and we need to flush them out of the body.

Take a look at dangers of toxic accumulation in the body-

Few symptoms of toxins accumulations-

All these disorders tell that detoxification is very necessary for the body to function properly.

Know how detoxification works to cleanse your body.

How Does Detoxification Process Work?

A detox program helps you to keep your body cleanse through various methods. The major organs that need detoxification are-

The liver plays important role in body cleanse, as it turns fat-soluble toxins more into water soluble and uses enzymes to inactive the toxins and bind them to bile or other molecules for elimination.

A detox program can help body natural cleansing process by-

  1. Stimulating the liver to flush out toxins from the body
  2. Resting the organ through fasting
  3. Improving blood circulation
  4. Promoting elimination through intestine, kidneys, and skin
  5. Refueling body with healthy nutrients

Detoxification works on smallest units of life called cells, therefore prevent your body from many life-threatening diseases, says Peter Bennett.

Major Detoxification Pathways

Here we will talk about major detoxification pathways to eliminate toxins and cleanse your body.

  1. Urination

The more you will pee, more you will remove out toxins from your body. So, drinks lots of water to keep your system healthy and toxins free.

  1. Excretion

The more you defecate, the more your body eliminate toxins from your body. That’s why you need to clean your bowl at least 2 times a day to flush out toxins naturally.

  1. Perspiration

Means sweating – A natural way to remove toxins from your skin. Nowadays, sedentary lifestyle, where you stay indoors in air conditioning limiting your ability to remove toxins. And also vitamin D efficiency.

So, try to get outside in the sun especially in the morning – for exercise, and walking or you can also use infrared or sweat saunas for sweating.

  1. Respiration

Breathe play important role in our wellness. A good and fresh breathe can move out millions of toxins from your body.

Your bad postures (forward head) and stress – forcing you to develop short, shallow breath that is not effective in moving toxins.

That’s why our sedentary lifestyle lacks such natural detoxification and your body need frequent detoxification.

Issues with Modern Detox Methods

Which Detox Method Is Right For You?

Before selecting any modern detox program, take a look over here-

  1. Mostly modern detox program are supplements based that makes a false promise to jump-start weight loss by detox and cleanse body toxins.
  2. Drinks Supplements are mixes of synthetic ingredients that our body can’t properly utilize.
  3. The very important point, if your detoxification pathways are not open (e.g. if not eliminating your bowl daily, not sweating and hydrating properly), and forcing detox can mobilize toxins in your body and do much more harm than good.

So, try to skip these synthetic detox method and go for the natural detoxification process. Choose good food, drinks, water, teas, and exercise to cleanse your body naturally.

Now, how to start natural detoxification process?

Read on…

Start Detoxification – Best Ways to Cleanse Your Body

You can detoxify your body by various methods. Here are best 3 ways to cleanse your body.

  1. Use detox foods
  2. Use detox drinks
  3. Use detox bath

# Method 1: Use Detox Foods

Here are few detox foods that you will need for the detoxification. Regular consumption of these foods can help to cleanse your body toxins at home itself.

When we talk about body detoxification, cucumber with the lemon combination is very popular. It filters the toxins from the blood and debris generating after decomposing them, thus helps kidney to flush out toxins through urine.

One of very ancient detoxifying herb that not only cleanses your body but rejuvenates it throughout. The gingerol compound improves the functioning of your intestine and metabolism through speeding up movements of foods.

Apples are rich in soluble fibers-pectin, therefore prevent plaque forming in blood vessels.

Both soluble and insoluble fibers of flax seeds help to cleanse your body. They remove toxins and waste naturally by regulating intestinal and bowel function.

When it comes to cleansing your body, citrus fruits are on top. It jumps start your digestive system with the enzymatic process.

Lemon juice cleanses your liver and kidney, therefore, prevent you from many dangerous diseases. So, start your morning with a warm glass of lemon water.

Green foods are best cleansing foods for the body, so always keep them on first priority. Food such as kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, beet, spinach, barley, chard, alfalfa, wheatgrass, turmeric, other organic leafy greens, and veggies are healthiest and nutritious too.

Green tea is packed with lots of antioxidants that will detoxify your body by flushing out toxins. For younger looking skin, it’s great.

Develop a habit to drink 1-2 cup of green tea every day.

Incorporating seeds and nuts into your diet will boost your metabolism and immunity. Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnut, almonds, sesame seeds, hemp and sunflower seeds are excellent detox foods.

Green Smoothies and Juices

Mostly green smoothies are popular for weight loss and glowing skin as it’s loaded with lots of healthy vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that suppress your appetite and provide healthy blood flow in your body.

Losing weight and cleanse your body with green smoothies and detox drinks is not only a new concept but effective too.


Step 1: Keeps Fruits and Vegetables in Blender

Step 2: Add a sweet and sour taste

Step 3: Pour water into a blender

Step 4: Blend until get smooth

Start drinking 1 cup of green smoothies every day and gradually increase the amount by 2 cups per day for at least 3 weeks to cleanse your body.

You can also choose green detox juice if not feel to have blended thick smoothies to cleanse your body.

# Method 2: Use Detox Drinks

This is second most popular detoxifying drinks for weight loss and glowing skin.

Your ingredients, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs should be fresh for properly washed. Its preparation is very easy that anyone can make at home for detoxification.

  1. Cucumber-Ginger-Mint Detox Water


How to Prepare:

Add all the fresh sliced ingredients in pitcher containing 4-5 glass of filtered water. Now, keep it aside for 3-4 hours to infuse fruits flavor and healthy nutrients in the water. Enjoy your drinks.

You can also keep it overnight for infusion. But try to finish this water that day only as fruits starts decomposing. All detox drinks have same procedure to prepare.

  1. Watermelon-Citrus Detox Water


How to prepare:

Mix all the ingredients into a pitcher containing 5-6 glass filtered water and keep it aside for 3-4 hours to infuse mineral and flavor.

  1. Strawberry-Grapefruits Detox Water



How to prepare:

Mix all the fresh ingredients in a pitcher containing filtered water. Keep it aside for 3-4 hours to infuse.

  1. Apple-Cinnamon Detox Water


How to prepare:

Throw all apple slices into the water and add 2-3 sticks of cinnamon. Keep it aside for 3-4 hours to infuse it into the water. Or you can chill it into the refrigerator or add ice cubes to enhance its freshness.

Method 3: Use Detox Bath

Bathing itself is detoxing as it helps to reduce toxic load and relax your body to give mental and emotional peace.

Now, which ingredients will help for deep detoxification?

Yes! There is…

For deep detoxification, you will need natural salts and any essentials oils you love to cleanse your body inside and outside.

Even you can incorporate any salt to take their therapeutic effects on your body, as different salts have their own individual benefits in neuromuscular condition, relieving pain and inflammation, flushing toxins and more.

  1. Bathing with Salt Mixtures & Essential Oils

Salt mixture: Salts add minerals to your body and remove out unwanted toxins from your body.

Peppermint essential oils: It will rejuvenate your system, improve the blood circulation and relax your stressed body to give mental peace.



  1. Clay Detox Bath

This bath is great for flushing out toxins as clay binds to heavy molecules metals and Epsom salt pulls a variety of toxins while replenishing magnesium level in the body.



How to apply:

  1. Oxygen Detox Bath

This will helps to eliminate toxins and cultivate an environment that is difficult for free radicals and toxins to flourish.

Not only detox, it will also help to reduce illness, body ache, allergies and other skin irritation.


How to prepare:

More Tips to Cleanse Your Body Naturally

  1. Make sure to keep your tub water warmer to make more powerful detox.
  2. Drink lots of water, fruits and veggies juice and herbal tea to cleanse your body.
  3. If your water contains chlorine or fluorine, add few tbsp. of bentonite clay to the water. It will help you to absorb the elements so they will not get absorbed into your skin.
  4. Exercise regularly to enhance your energy flow and mental health.
  5. You can also try homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and acupuncture, or hot shower for 5 minutes.
  6. Cut down sugar and junk food from your diet, but in case if you feel a craving for sweets, choose a healthy and natural sweetness.
  7. You can also choose dry brushing to improve blood circulation in your body. it will help you to generate new cells and shred off dead skin cells.
  8. Oil pulling will also help you to detox your body and remove harmful bacteria that cause acne, pimples, allergies and other skin problem from your skin and body.

Hope this information will help you to detoxify and cleanse your body naturally.

Comment if you have more tips to detoxify your body. We would love to update the list and this will help other people too.

And don’t forget to tell, hows you feeling after 7-day detox.

Get healthy and stay fit.

Good Luck!!

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