5 Delicious Detox Water Recipes for Weight Loss and Glowing Skin [DIY]

5 DIY Best Detox Water Drink for weight loss. Delicious Detox Water Recipes and Benefits. How to prepare Detox water at home.

One of the best things you can do if you want to lose weight is to drink more water. But sometimes it become boring to keep drinking tasteless water. And many time we almost forget to drink average glass of water per day. So how to change this habit for better result ?

What if the water turns into the healthy delicious drink? And definitely, raise your water consumption throughout the day. Replace plain water with detox water.

Drinking detox water is one of the best ways to complete water target for weight loss and clear skin tone. It’s a combination drink of fruits and vegetables with water that detoxifies the internal system and removes extra fat cells.

These fruits infused detox water recipe for weight loss are easy to prepare and delicious to drink. It helps to remove excess toxins from the body, boost metabolism, reduce inflammation, improve digestion and detoxify the liver.

We all know that 8-10 glass of water is good for health. Replacing your water intake with these detox drink will help you in weight loss goal as well as improve your skin tone.

Why detox water for weight loss and clear skin?

Detox drink ingredients can be easily available at home. These common ingredients are a lemon, orange, apple, cucumbers, mint, blueberries, grapefruit, lime, strawberries, and watermelon.

In our daily life, we inhale thousands of toxins that get stored in tissues and cells of our body and cause many dangerous cancerous, metabolic, cardiac problems.

Detox drink reduces the toxic accumulation in the body by giving a deep cleaning to the system before turning it to a major health problem.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of natural vitamins and antioxidants, that not only boost the immunity but helpful for clear and acne free skin. Nutritional flavor of fruits doubles the power of water and turn it to delicious detox recipe for weight loss.

Benefits of Detox Water:

Healthy Ingredients for Detox Water Recipe:

Cucumber- Cucumber fight for free radical damage and slow down the aging process. It also helps to cleanse the liver and flush out body toxins through continuous flow.

Lemon- Ascorbic acid in lemon not only detoxify your body but aids digestion also. The vitamin C in lemon boost collagen production and bring a glow to the skin.

Grapefruit – the enzymes found in grapefruits helps to utilize sugar that aids weight loss. The best refreshing aroma that relaxes nervous system and hydrates the body.

Strawberries – Rich source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, that slow down the aging, lower risk of chronic disease. Vitamin A and C in strawberries are essentials for the detoxifying process.

Mint – Mint provide the cooling to internal system and soothe indigestion.

Ginger – Medicinal plant that contains highly potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Great remedy for nausea, and helps to break down the accumulation of toxins in tissues.

Watermelon – Low-calorie fruit that helps to hydrate the body and lose weight naturally. Vitamin A and B, in watermelon fight for free radical damage and act as anti-aging.

Detox Water Recipes:

1) Strawberry, Lemon, and Mint Detox water Recipe:

These are very popular and delicious ingredients to detoxify the internal system. The citrus flavor of lemon can be balanced by sweet strawberries.

One of the tastier, and healthier detox drink for weight loss and glowing skin that you can prepare at home too. All the three fruits add three color and flavor to the drink that looks very beautiful.


To make 5 glass of detox drink for weight loss-

How to make:

Take a pitcher containing 5 glass of filtered water, now mix all the sliced fruits to make a delicious drink. Keep it for 3-4 hours to add the flavor in water or you can keep it overnight in the refrigerator for the best aroma and flavor. While drinking mix some ice cubes for more freshness. Enjoy your detox drink.

2) Orange and Blueberry Detox Water Recipe:

This detox drink not only helps to lose weight but also bring glow to your skin. Orange is a rich source of vitamin C that boosts collagen production in the skin and prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

Antioxidants and fibers in blueberry make this super detox drink that is healthier, more delicious and best for appetite.


To make 5 glass of detox drink for weight loss:

How to make:

Add 2 oranges and one handful of blueberries in a pitcher containing 5 glass of filtered water. Keep the drink for 3-4 hour to let the flavor dissolve in water. While drinking mix some ice cubes for more freshness.

Also Read: 8 Best time to drink water

3) Grapefruit, cucumber, lemon and lime slim detox water Recipe:

This is one of the popular detox water recipes for weight loss. The flavors of fruits dissolve into water and make it a healthy and detoxify drink for clear skin too.

The double serving of citrus fruits with the sweet taste of grapefruit provides a great balance of taste. These fruits are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C that have wonderful health benefits.


To make 8 glass of detox drink for weight loss:

How to prepare:

Add all the thinly sliced ingredients in a pitcher containing 8 glass of filtered water. Keep the water for 3-4 hours at a cool place. You can add some ice cubes for more refreshment. Enjoy.

Also Read: 6 things you should avoid after a meal

4) Cucumber, Lemon, Mint, and Ginger Detox Water Recipe:

Lemon makes powerful detox drink for weight loss with a combination of different ingredients. It’s a rich source of vitamin C that helps to cleanse the body and bring glow on skin.

Adding cucumber slice to lemon juice helps to hydrates your body deeply. Cooling effects of mint leave aid benefits to digestion


To make 10 glass of detox water for weight loss:

How to prepare:

Take a pitcher containing 10 glass of filtered water. Add one freshly sliced lemon, cucumber, grated ginger and 10-12 organic mint leaves. This detox drink will not only lose your weight but boost your immunity too.

Also Read: Why to drink warm honey water every morning

5) Watermelon, Strawberry, and Mint Detox Water Recipe:


Strawberry is a rich source of wonderful anti-oxidants that helps to weight loss and clear skin. The water lemon combination with strawberry, lower down blood pressure.

Well! A perfect glass full of healthy nutrients is not just easy to prepare but tasty too.

Recipe ingredients:

To make 5 glass of detox water for weight loss:

How to prepare:

Take a water jug containing 5 glass of filtered water with ice cubes in bottom. Now add sliced strawberries, mashed watermelon piece, and freshly crushed mint leaves. Keep it for 1 hour to let the flavor add in water. Ready to drink

Tips for making best detox water drink:

Detox Water Recipes Infographic:

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