30 Best Remedies to Remove Dark Circles under Eyes Permanently

Get Rid of Dark circles

One of the very common problem, which every woman and man face. There was a time when I was also suffering from dark circle under the eyes. It was like, my beauty was gone, feeling exhausted and dull, whenever I look into the mirror, they are staring back towards me and saying, “Yaa we are here”.

Every time I was looking for remedies to get rid of dark circle permanently, and I can’t explain the joy of finding these resources which help me a lot to get rid of dark circles.

These easy-to-do remedies will not only remove dark circles but also nourish and hydrate the skin under and around eyes.

Why dark circle appears and what are the causes?

The dark circles appear under eyes because of many different reasons. It’s not a severe skin problem, but it makes our eyes look sick or ill. These dark circle may be caused due to:

All these problems cause puffiness, lower vision, and dark circles. Here I will explain, some remedies to remove dark circles permanently which I experimented on myself.

How to get rid of dark circles under eye fast:

No doubt, the market is flooded with expensive cosmetic products that promise you to reduce dark circle quickly, but, the chemicals present in them may negatively affect the delicate skin under eyes. These simple easy to use remedies will help you to get rid of dark circle fast without any side effects. I always prefer natural ways, as they give satisfactory results to me with nourishment.

  1. Potatoes Juice / Slice
  2. Cucumber
  3. Rose Water
  4. Lemon Juice
  5. Aloe Vera gel
  6. Sweet Almond Oil
  7. Honey
  8. Green tea bags
  9. Tomato Juice
  10. Mint Leaves
  11. Cold Milk
  12. Olive oil
  13. Coconut oil
  14. Castor oil
  15. Baking soda
  16. Saffron
  17. Turmeric
  18. Yogurt
  19. Cold Water/Ice cubes
  20. Orange juice
  21. Jojoba oil
  22. Apple
  23. Petroleum jelly
  24. Avocado
  25. Butter milk
  26. Fenugreek Seeds
  27. Tea tree oil
  28. Vitamin E oil
  29. Yoga/Meditation
  30. Drink plenty of water

Home Remedies to remove dark circle under eyes:

1. Potatoes Juice / Slice:

Potatoes are rich in vitamins C and minerals that work wonders for tired skin and wrinkles. They are natural bleaching agents and help lighten the dark circle by removing puffiness. This vegetable refreshes and softens the complexion and is great for any skin type.

How to use potato for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat twice a day regularly until dark circle disappears.


2. Cucumber:

One of the oldest and widely known home remedies to remove dark circles. Cucumber has astringent as well as skin lightening properties. Even the professional clinics and spa use cucumber to provide an instant cooling effect. It also increases the blood flow and reduces the puffiness.

How to use cucumber for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat it twice a day. If you continue this treatment at least for seven days, you will surely notice the difference around your eyes.


3. Rose water:

Rose water work magically on dark circles and help to lighten up the skin by its soothing effects. Antioxidants and vitamin C in rose water revive tired skin making it more radiant and contributing to the natural glow. It is known to be very effective for irritation, redness, and inflammation of eyes. The best remedy for lightening up dark circles.

How to use rose water for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat this remedy at least two times a day especially in morning and evening. At this rate traces of dark circles and fatigue might disappear even after just one week.


4. Lemon juice:

Vitamin C and bleaching properties of Lemon juice rejuvenate and brighten the skin tone by lightening the scars, age spots, and dark circles. Lemon juice has many skin application in removing tanning, scars, dark circles, pigmentation and age spot.

How to use lemon juice for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Repeat this process twice a day, and soon the skin tone around your eyes will become lighter and eventually the dark circles will go away. The best remedy to get rid of dark circles.


5. Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera gel is known as natural nourishment for all skin types. I am amazed to see its fantastic results on all skin type. This herbal plant has anti-inflammatory effects that act as perfect healing agent for damaged and dark skin.  It is also helpful in lighten up skin discoloration and pigmentation by hydrating it.

How to use Aloe Vera gel for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Apply this once a day before going to bed.


6. Sweet Almond oil:

Almonds are good sources of vitamin E which help to remove dark circles under eyes permanently by making it soft. Regular massage of almond oil will lighten the skin color around the eyes and give relieves in puffy eyes.

How to use sweet almond oil for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Make sure you are using sweet almond oil because bitter almond oil should not use for skin. Use almond oil every night before going to sleep.


7. Honey:

Honey is loaded with antioxidants and essentials nutrients which help to lighten up the skin by improving blood circulation. It also acts as a natural moisturizer that protects sensitivity of eyes by nourishing it. Regular use of honey will helps to get rid of dark circle permanently.

How to use honey for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Use honey twice a day to get rid of dark circles under eyes.


8. Green Tea Bags:

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and tannins that contract blood vessels and capillaries which get diluted in dark circle. Astringent properties of green tea stimulate blood circulation and help to remove dark circles fast. You will feel refresh and calm after using this remedy.

How to use green tea bags for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Do this 2 – 3 times regularly to see the results.


9. Tomato Juice:

Tomato is an excellent home remedy to remove dark circles under eyes as it naturally helps in lightening the color of the skin. It also helps to eliminate eye wrinkles and protect skin from damage. For sensitive skin, add rose water in tomato juice before using it.

How to use tomato juice for dark circles:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat this remedy at least twice a day and follow it for about two to three weeks for best results.


10. Mint leaves:

Mint leaves paste have an excellent cooling effect that helps to remove dark circles. Antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties of these leaves shrink blood vessels and remove dark circles by lightening it.

How to use mint leaves for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure regularly until positive results appeared.


11. Cold milk:

Lactic acid, proteins, and anti-oxidants in milk help to moisturize skin while reducing puffiness. It also acts as an anti-aging mask that removes dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles around the eyes. Cold milk provides cooling to eyes and work as one of the best remedies to remove dark circles under eye permanently.

How to use cold milk for dark circles:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat 2-3 times a day. For best result use it in morning and evening.


12. Olive oil:

Olive oil is natural skin care products that are rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamin K content which help to soften and brighten up skin tone. It gently cleans under eye area and removes dark circles.

How to use olive oil for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Do this process every night before going to sleep at night.


13. Coconut oil:

Coconut oil works wonder on skin because of its nourishing and moisturizing properties. Daily massage of coconut oil promotes soft skin and prevent fines lines and wrinkles under the sensitive area of eyes. Natural remedy to get rid of dark circles by lightening skin tone.

How to use coconut oil for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

For best results, do this procedure every night before going to sleep. One of the best anti-aging oil. Once you start using it, you will notice the difference.


14. Castor oil:

Castor oil work on roots of dark circles. It contains plenty of antioxidants and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the skin by absorbing dirt impurities from the skin and make it fresh and clean. If you want to get rid of dark circle permanently, then this is the right remedy for you.

How to use castor oil for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Use this every night.


15. Baking soda:

Baking soda is natural skin exfoliating agent that helps in removing dead skin cells and make it fresh and clean. It has skin lightening properties that contribute in removing dark circles. But be caution, use moisturizer after applying baking soda as it dries the skin.

How to use baking soda for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Do this once a day. Keep baking soda away from getting in eyes.


16. Saffron:

One of the oldest beauty secret to enhancing skin tone and complexion. Saffron and milk combination is the most effective solution to reduce dark circles.

How to use saffron for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Regular use of saffron with milk lighten up skin tone.


17. Turmeric:

Turmeric is one of the common skin brightening spice that used in several beauty creams and facial mask. Curcumin in Turmeric has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help to remove dark circle as well as acne.

How to use turmeric for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Follow this remedy daily until you will get positive results. Besides removing the dark circles, it will also smoothen the skin around your eyes.


18. Yogurt:

Easily available and all-time favorite yogurt, loaded with proteins and probiotics which help to lighten up skin tone, remove scars, and sun tan by leaving it soft. It’s exfoliating and hydrating properties, along with removing dark circles, works on wrinkles and fine lines also.

How to use Yogurt for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure once in couples of days until positive results appear.


19. Cold water/ Ice cubes:

Cold water can also help to reduce puffiness and dark circles as it contributes to contracting the blood vessels under the eyes and reduce dark circles permanently. Try to wash your face and eyes twice with cool water. It will clean your eyes and helps to improve vision.

How to use cold water/ice cubes for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat the process twice or thrice a day for few weeks and notice the improvement. It is very effective and natural remedy to get rid of dark circle under eyes.


20. Orange juice:

Orange juice is healthy for both body and skin, and even its peel is useful in many face pack and mask. Orange is rich sources of vitamin C which remove dead skin cells by lightening the dark area and also provide a natural glow to the area around eyes.

How to use Orange for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure regularly until positive results are visible.


21. Jojoba oil:

Recently it has been found that skin rejuvenating properties of jojoba oil reduce inflammation in the dark area. Various fatty acids in jojoba oil nourish skin under eyes and make it wrinkle free.

How to use jojoba oil for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Do this procedure every night before going to sleep.


22. Apple:

Apple contains vitamins, minerals, and tannic acid which rejuvenate under eye area by nourishing it. It also helps to lighten the dark area.

How to use apple for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure regularly until positive results appear.


23. Petroleum jelly:

Petroleum jelly is most hydrating and nourishing moisturizer which work magically on the dull and dry skin under eyes and remove dark circle permanently. Indirectly, it fasts the blood circulation under eyes and reduces effects of dark circles.

How to use petroleum jelly for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Do this before going to sleep or once a day.


24. Avocado:

Avocado is the powerhouse of Vitamin E and B that help to reduce dark circle under eyes and puffiness. It works on eye wrinkles also.

How to use Avocado for dark circles:

Way 1:

Way 2:

How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure regularly until positive results arrive.


25. Butter milk:

Lactic acid and probiotic in butter milk help to reduce pigmentation and dark circle under eyes.

How to use butter milk for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure daily for best results.


26. Fenugreek seeds:

A herb which is helpful in maintaining pH levels of the skin. Its high content of potassium and vitamin C nourish and lighten the dark skin under eyes.

How to use fenugreek seeds for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure daily for fast results.


27. Tea Tree oil:

Tea tree is great essentials oil to get rid of dark circles under eyes. It helps to fast the blood circulation and moisturize the skin under eyes by lightening the area.

How to use tea tree oil for dark circles:


How often you need to apply:

Repeat this procedure before going to sleep every night.


28. Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E oil massage help to improve the blood circulation and lighten dark circle under eyes.

How to use vitamin E oil for dark circles:

How often you need to apply:

Massage every night before going to sleep once a day.


29. Yoga/ Mediation:

Yoga or meditation is the best way to get rid of dark circle permanently by leaving them refreshed. It is helpful in stress.

Some yoga asana like Sarvangasana, Bhujangasana, Shirshasana and Pranayama are the best way to keep your body and mind healthy. But all these asanas should be performed empty stomach every morning.

During Meditation,

Meditation is the best therapy which works permanently on dark circles. After some days, you will notice that your skin start glowing naturally.


30. Drink plenty of water:

The people who drink plenty of water, are having a low risk of various disease. Drinking water keeps our body hydrating and nourishing by cleaning it.

Precautions and Eye Care Tips:

How these remedies help you to reduce dark circles. Share your experience with us via comments.

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