No Diet, No Exercise: How to Lose Belly Fat in 7 Days

No diet No exercise, How to lose belly fat in 7 days. Yes! Get rid of belly fat within 7 days. Here I explained how I reduces my belly bloating in just 7 days. Flat belly tips. Flat belly challenge. Reduce belly pooch within a week.

No diet. No exercise, this is how I lost my belly fat in 7 days.

Belly fat is one of the most common health concern, especially in women.

We all have huge collections of our favorite small size dresses that we wish to wear one day and thinks to rock in this skin-tight dress? Right?

Me too… 😉

BUT the only thing holding me back to wear those dresses was MY BELLY FAT.

So, I decided to do something about it as quick as I can.

And you know, I got rid of my belly pooch in just a week without any extreme diet and hours at the gym.

That’s why today I come up to share my success story with you guys.

Do you want to know my secrets?

Well! Just keep reading…

I will show you how I get into this experiment…

So, the first thing, I did, was RESEARCH on reducing belly fat.

I started collecting the data that can help me lose belly fat within one week.

But being as beginners, I eagerly want to know the causes of belly fat in females?

And this is how I end up…

What Cause Belly Fat?

Well, ladies! There is a say, where there is a will, there is a way.

And eventually, I end up with so many reasons like poor diet, lazy lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, sitting for long hours, slow metabolism, stress, and genetics.

Well! Few of them was not my case, like genetics, hormonal and stress.

But now the question arises, is that poor diet or not doing regular exercise?

For the few seconds, my situation was stressful as I really don’t like doing exercise and dieting to reduce weight.

Then again for next few days, I kept browsing to find out the lazy ways to reduce belly fat.

But all I got was a hectic diet and exercise.

How I Got Ideas to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Then after all of sudden, I came in contact with one of my old friend who was a doctor by profession.

As we all know what happens when we met our doctor’s friends, we just talk about health only.

The same thing happened to me.

But this conversation leads me on the right track as I was finding it from past few days.

It seems my law of attraction works to give me the right direction. 😉

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Well! I am a firm believer of LOA and every time it worked for me.

After a long conversation, I was surprised to know that fat is not always the culprit when it comes to extra inches around the midsection.

It’s more likely results in water weight or bloating.

It makes me feel happy because it was sounding exactly what I was going through.

This may be the reason, how my favorite’s models and the actress were losing and gaining weight so fast at the time of urgency.

So, it’s water weight that helps people to lose belly fat fast.

My Secret to Lose Belly Fat in 7 Days

After knowing this, I started reconsidering my diet and lifestyle to achieve my fitness goals.

The only formula to reduce belly bloating is to reduce WATER WEIGHT.

Bloating is defiantly not fat, its air or gas that collects inside your guts and cause the stomach to feel tight, full and swollen.

So, here is what I did to reduce my belly bloat?

  1. Acupressure

Have you ever tried Acupressure points to lose belly fat?

Well, I’m sure you might not have heard about it before, as it seems very unusual.

But surprisingly true!

Acupressure is the first thing I tried to lose belly fat since I read that acupressure helps to reduce bloating, relieves from gas, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, lower back pain, headaches, and relieves in many more health issues.

Here is stomach point I massaged for 7 days.

I used the following 2 methods-

Acupressure Point to Lose Belly Fat –

This is supposed to stimulate your muscles and reduce bloated stomach.

Yes, it works.

  1. Consume More Ginger

Ginger is popularly known to aids digestion, treatment of inflammation, reduce weight and most importantly belly bloat.

Gingerol, the main active bioactive compound is responsible for its medicinal properties – anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.

For flat tummy, ginger is a widely used popular herb that people consume through tea, detox water and by sprinkling on dishes.

This is another effective trick I tried to get rid of belly fat within one week.

I tried a few more ways to add ginger into my everyday life.

Effective Ways to Add Ginger in Your Diet –

I used ginger in these 3 effective ways –

Here is how I prepared these ginger recipes to reduce belly bloat.


I was drinking this tea twice a day – morning and evening.

Ingredients Required- 

Put the 3 ounces of ginger in a teapot, add 3 cups of water and keep it to boil for few minutes. Let it cool down, squeezed lemon juice and ½ teaspoon of honey.

That’s it.

It’s not just a healthy drink to reduce bloating but tastier too.

You can also sprinkle ginger root powder over your dishes.


This dietary classic is very effective to burn fat, improve digestion, prevent fluid retention and inflammation.

If you don’t like to drink tea then this lemonade is perfect as other option.

Ingredients Required:

Squeeze juices of 2 lemons and bring it to simmer with some chopped ginger root. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and add a quart of water and two pieces of lemon peel.

You can store it in a water bottle and drink it before meals throughout the day.


Green tea is widely known herbal tea to reduce belly fat. Adding ginger root in this green beverages boost its power and promote weight loss.

Ingredients Required:

Take 1-2 cups of water and bring it to boil. Now add green leaves and some crushed ginger. Switch off the flame and steep for 2-3 minutes. Strain it and drink up.

This is really a great way to take care of your health and improve your figure.

Remember, not to consume ginger more than 4 grams, or 2 teaspoons per day. You can choose any of these ginger recipes to fasten the process as I did. But make sure not to cross the limits as it may sound uncomfortable for your health.

  1. Turmeric Powder

Along with acupressure point and ginger recipes, I started adding turmeric powder to my detox water, smoothies, and dishes.

Anyhow, I tried adding every small ingredient to my diet that can help me to lose weight fast.

I read about turmeric’s superpower properties to lose belly bloating fast. The compound “curcumin” in turmeric is known to have various health benefits.

Not huge, but it really adds small benefits to my success.

Apart from turmeric, I also tried to drink more peppermint tea as well. Because it’s really effective to reduce nasty bloating.

  1. Cut Down Salt Intake

I read that too much sodium causes the body to retain more water.

For that reason, I added more potassium-rich food into my diet. Potassium helps to get rid of water weight by reducing the sodium level in the body.

It also makes you pee more to flush out excess sodium, fluids, and toxins from your body.

That’s why I included – tomatoes, banana, spinach, avocados, beetroot, and coconut water more into my diet.

I also tried making dandelion tea a couple of times, as this is a natural diuretic, which means potassium increase urine production in your body.

It really does work.

But for that, get ready for lots of bathroom inconvenient.

Natural Diuretics to Reduce Belly Bloating –

  1. Consume Fewer Carbs

I also tried to consume fewer carbs since they are supposed to increase your insulin levels. Insulin makes your body to retain more sodium and you know what’s is that means?

More Water Retention. Right?

So for that, I cut down processed sugar, other sweeteners, as well as all kind of desserts like chocolates and refined grains.

This may look certainly toughest initially.

But believe me…

It’s not that restrictive of a diet.

All you have to do is, just replace those earlier water bloating foods to healthy.

And this way you won’t really feel like dieting.

  1. Water

Finally, my biggest secrets to reduce water weight is WATER.

YES! Surprising true.

The more water you’ll drink, the less liquid you’ll build up in the body.

So, keep hydrating yourself as much as you can to flush out excess fluid from your body.

You can also replace your plain water with healthy and delicious vitamin water. Try these fruits infused water to get a flat tummy fast.

I liked drinking cucumber-mint-ginger water. I love this cucumber and mint smell in water and it really helped me to complete my everyday water target.

Flat Belly Detox Water –

It also helped my skin to glow naturally which I observed after 7 days.

  1. Reconsider Diet – Replace Carbs With Proteins

Before starting this experiment, I wasn’t having the worse diet.

But sure I was looking to adds something more to replace some bad food habits.

I thoughts what best I could do to change my diet.

As I told you that I cut carbs and replaced them with proteins. It helped me to build a balanced diet.

And more even, I didn’t feel starved or unhappy. I felt lighter and full of energy.

Adding more nuts, proteins (salmon), and vegetables in my every main meal kept my tummy fuller for longer without hunger. Get some best high protein breakfast ideas.

Apart from this, instead of taking 3 main meals, I started eating 6 meals. These 6 meals were not particularly big but still big enough to fill me up.

Know 7 easy steps to cut belly fat fast without exercise.

Food Selection for A Healthy Diet –

  1. Give Up on Soda & Sugary Drinks

Believe it or not…

These carbonated drinks make you bloated and gassy.

I completely quieted store-bought sugary drinks and made my own tasty and fat burning drinks at home.

Here are some of my favorite recipes.

Homemade Fat Burning Drinks:

A. Citrus Delicious Drink

To make a super refreshing and slimming secret drink, I took-

Mix it into the blender and enjoy!

B. Coconut Water Drink

To prepare a coconut water drinks, I took-

Blend it all together and enjoy! You can add ice for more refreshing taste.

C. Celery Cocktails

Even celery cocktail is easy to make. I took-

Blend the celery with water and pour it into the glass, add vinegar and pepper, stir it and drink up.

Discover more 15 fat burning drinks.

  1. Lifestyle Change to Add More Steps

The lifestyle changer was my new trainers. To make yourself keep moving, add these few hacks to fasten your results.

Basically, I did everything that makes me move maximum.

As you can see, No-Gym membership needed like this.

  1. Stomach Vacuum Moves

Along with all these, I also tried this one specific exercise to reduce bloating.

It’s also known as the “Stomach Vacuum.”

Don’t worry! It’s not as scary as it sounds.

All you have to do is –

I did this just for 5 minutes a day and saw a big difference within a week.

Easy Move to Reduce Belly Bloat- Stomach Vacuum

Habits to Avoid Bloating

Few things you need to avoid to get fast results.

Healthy Habits to Avoid Belly Bloating

But remember to maintain a healthy diet every day. Discover more 50 ways to lose few inches of your waistline. 

Now, what can I say at the end?

All I tried to reduce belly bloat – Worked!  

Now I can see myself in that skinny dress and feels prettier like earlier.

But you know what?

Good things started coming when I completed this one-week flat belly challenge.

I prepare myself to make some good changes physically as well as mentally.

More importantly, I felt so much better.

So, if you dealing with bloating, excess weight or low energy. Then this is the time to makes some lifestyles changes.

Like me, even you can do…

If you also have your secrets recipes to loosen dress size, then share with us in the comment section.

We’ll be happy to hear your success story.

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