2 min. skincare for oily face: 7 homemade face pack for pimples

Face pack for pimples. Tips to remove pimples fast. Get clear skin with face pack. pimples remedies

Getting spotless, clear and beautiful skin is not a dream now. The only thing you have to do is, invest your time to follow some skincare beauty routine.

And if it’s about pimples and acne! You have to be extra careful in your diet too.

Nobody like those tiny red and angry pimples on skin that ruin facial beauty especially if you are going for an important event.

So, How to get rid of pimples and acne fast?

There are various powerful ingredients that work really great on the oily and acne-prone skin. Oily skin attracts more dust and impurities, therefore, more prone to cause pimples.

To get rid of acne, you need to try something that can help you to control extra facial oil. Try these powerful face pack for pimples and enjoy clear spotless skin.

The best thing about these effective face pack is, these are wallet-friendly and safe to use.

So, Why to struggle from pimples and acne when you have powerful natural ingredients that work more effectively than other market products.

Natural Face pack for pimples (Acne)

Try these 7 natural face pack for pimples and keep them for 2 minutes over the skin. Be regular in your acne skin care routine until it disappears completely. Only 3-4 days are enough to work these remedies on your pimples.

1). Fuller earth face pack for acne

Fuller earth provide the best solution for oily and acne-prone skin. It controls excess facial oil and dries the existing pimples and acne.

Rose water in this face pack freshens your skin and bring natural glow on face. Lemon juice is good to fade scars and acne spots. Therefore this face pack provides the best solution for acne and dull skin. The best thing is that it’s wallet-friendly and safe to use.


How to use:

Skin benefits of fuller earth face pack for pimples (Acne)

Fuller earth is magical ingredient that helps to remove excess oil fast from the skin. The oil absorbing properties make it one of the wonderful remedies for the oily skin because it’s more prone to cause pimples and acne.

It removes the dust, impurities and dead skin layers from the face and helps to brightens up your skin tone. I personally recommend you to use fuller earth face pack for pimples and acne as it has shown wonderful results over my skin.

2). Turmeric face pack for acne

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that work magically on acne and pimples. From many centuries, It has been used as beauty ingredients.

It suppresses the pimples and controls their further growth along with brightening skin complexion. You can see results in one use only.

Know how to prepare turmeric face pack for pimples and acne.


How to use:

Skin benefits of turmeric face pack for pimples (Acne)

Major acne and pimples caused due to bacterial infection on the skin. Anti-bacterial properties of turmeric reduce inflammation and redness around pimples, therefore, helps to cure acne fast.

Along with removing pimples, it fades dark spots, scars, and patches of the skin. It exfoliates your skin gently and removes dead skin cells. Enjoy fair, clear and beautiful skin tone with turmeric face mask.

3). Neem face pack for acne

Neem has countless benefits for skin, hair, and health. Its natural herb that works effectively on skin and scalp infection.

Anti-microbial properties of neem leaves reduce inflammation around pimples and suppress their further growth.

Know how to prepare neem face pack for acne-prone skin.


How to use:

Skin benefits of neem face pack for pimples (Acne)

Along with treating pimples and acne, it removes dust, impurities, redness, excess face oil, scars, spots, itchiness and helps to detoxifies skin to prevent further pimples growth.

It’s very effective remedy for oily skin, that works very fast on acne and pimples. Next time when you get an encounter with pimples just tries neem leaves to clear these painful dots. Enjoy clear spotless skin tone!

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4). Honey face pack for acne

From many centuries, people are using honey as beauty ingredients to get the glowing and beautiful skin.

Know how to prepare honey face pack for pimples and acne.


How to use:

Skin benefits of honey face pack for pimples (Acne)

Honey has anti-microbial properties that work excellent on pimples. It cleanses your pores deeply and suppresses microbial growth.

The stickiness of honey pull away dirt, dust, dead skin cells, and microbes, therefore bring natural glow over the face. Its popular remedy to fade scars, dark spots, blemishes, wrinkles. One of the best anti wrinkle face mask.

5). Cucumber face pack for acne

Cucumber is very common beauty ingredients that control excess facial oil fast and prevent pimples and acne. Daily consumption of cucumber nourish your skin and make it flawless and beautiful. You can use its juice as a natural cleanser to get clear skin.

Know how to prepare cucumber face pack for acne.


How to use:

Skin benefits of cucumber face pack for pimples (Acne)

Cucumber is made up of 90% water that hydrates your skin and removes impurities from pores.

It’s rich beauty nutrients that replenish your skin and works as a best anti-aging toner. You can use it to shrink open pores as well.

It’s astringent properties reduce the pain around pimples and fights against free radicals that cause early aging.

6). Mint face pack for acne

Mint is a most popular herbal remedy that stimulates cooling sensation in the body. It’s rich in salicylic acid that used for the treatment of acne and pimples.

It helps to soothe everything from mosquito bites, dry skin, blackheads, tan, and acne problems.

Know how to prepare mint face pack for pimples.


How to make:

Skin benefits of mint face pack for pimples (Acne)

Mint soothe almost every skin problems during summer. Consumption of mint water helps to cool down your nervous system and maintain healthy skin cells.

It nourishes your skin deeply, soothe sunburn, remove dark spots and under eyes circles, anti-wrinkles, and shrink open pores if used regularly. Its cooling effects work best for improving skin texture and helps to remove excess oil from face. The best remedy for oily skin.

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7). Gram flour and curd face pack for acne

Gram flour is rich in proteins that are good to keep your skin younger looking. Along with treating pimples and inflammation, it helps you to get fair skin tone.

It’s best exfoliating face pack that boost skin complexion and help you to get fair skin tone.

Know how to prepare gram flour face pack for pimples.


How to make:

Skin benefits of gram flour face pack for pimples (Acne)

Gram flour is rich in vitamin B and A that helps to moisturize skin tone and minimize skin pores. It’s best cleansing ingredients that exfoliate your skin and remove dust and dead skin layers from the skin, hence prevent further pimples growth.

It helps to remove dullness and dark spots from the skin and make it fair and glowing. Gram flour face pack is good for all skin type in every season. Enjoy clear spotless face!

Follow these useful skin care tips for fast results


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