10 Effective Evening Workout for Weight loss with Infographic

We all know that exercise is one of the basic need to maintain overall health. But if you are trying to lose weight through workout, then it’s very important to know from where to start.

Everyone wants to get maximum results in a minimum interval of time. Your intense activity in workouts will help you to lose weight fast, as more intensity requires more calorie burned in form of supplying energy and results into weight loss.

Know 10 intense workouts for weight loss that targets multiple muscles, and eventually burn extra fat while strengthening your body.

10 evening workout plan for weight loss:

#  50 jumping jacks

#  30 squats

#  20 high knees

#  25 lunges each leg

#  1 minute march or jog on the spot

#  1-minute wall site

#  5 seated dips

#  20 push ups

#  50 crunches

#  1-minute plank

Find here 10 working fat burning exercise

1) Jumping jacks

This is full body warm up that raise body temperature, tone up muscles and strengthen your body.

Jumping jacks highly effects quadriceps muscles (large muscles of front thigh), Calves, glutes, and hamstring.

How to do jumping jacks:

Benefits of jumping jacks workout for weight loss:

No doubt jumping jacks help to lose weight fast. But when you do more jumping jacks, you start breathing deeply, that require more oxygen to your blood stream and your muscles. Therefore result in rapid weight loss.

If your weight is 58.96kg and you are doing strong jumping jacks, then you can burn 472 calories per hour. (via)

2) Squats:

Squats are not just for the legs but for the whole body. Its great strength building workout that helps to lose weight fast and increase the flexibility of muscles of thigh, hips, and buttocks.

How to do squats:

Benefits of squats workout for weight loss:

Squats utilized a large group of muscles that help your body to increase anabolic hormone production, which in shorts helps to lose weight and gain muscles. This is one of the ideal workouts for people planning to lose weight fast.

3) High knees

This is high intensity warm up exercise that resembles running motions. Often used by runners and athletes to improve lower body speed and flexibility. If you are looking for the strength gaining and fat burning exercise, then this is the best exercise for weight loss. If you have a problem in performing high knees, then you can start with low knees also.

How to do high knees:

Benefits of high knees workout for weight loss:

Running in a place with high knees for one minute helps to get the blood flow to your muscles fastly. Regular practice of this cardio workout helps in weight loss. Just look forward and keep your chest up throughout the exercise.

Also Read: Sun Salutation Yoga for Weight Loss

4) Lunges each leg

Lunges help to strengthen the hips and thigh muscles through the movement of both legs.  The muscles group that are highly used in lunge is Hip extensors (comprising the gluteal muscles and hamstring), and knee extensor (quadriceps). It strengthens your leg while shaping your butt.

How to do forward lunges:

Benefits of lunges workout for weight loss:

The lunge is known to be a very effective workout for weight loss. It tones your lower body, and raise your heart rate to the fat burning level if practice regular. After one month only you will able to see the results.

30 minutes of cardio along with 15 minutes of walking lunge can help you to burn up to 400 calories, for a 150-pound person, according to Health Status.

Walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling are the most effective ways to get that blood pumping for losing weight.

5) Jog on the spot

Jogging is slower than running and very effective way to get rid of fat. 20 minutes of jogging burn 200 calorie that makes a lot of difference in your weight loss goal.

Jogging along with calorie controlled diet can lose your lots of pounds that can make you from thick to thin. Typical jogging pace should be 4-5 miles per hour. In these types of exercise, the normal fat burn is 149-199 calorie in 20 minutes. But if you are not having an outer track for jogging, then you can do jogging on the spot also.

6) Wall sit

The wall sit exercise is common that can be seen in any fitness workout. It tones the muscles and helps in weight loss. The activities look like same as squat, but some people perform it on the basis of their comfort level, while other perform it in the more challenging way.

How to do wall sit:

Benefits of Wall Sit workout for weight loss:

The numbers of calorie burn depend on weight and how long you are performing. The position of this workout should be challenging, but initially, you should hold for less interval of time. But gradually you can raise the timing to add more calorie burn in your weight loss goal.

According to the health status, a 150-pound person can burn about 5 calories per minute. For more challenge, you can hold some weight in your hands. The more weight you hold, more calorie you will burn. But beginners should start with easy exercise.

Also Read: Green Tea for Weight Loss

7) Seated dips

Seated dips are one of the best workouts for strengthening triceps and defining them. It tones your chest and shoulders muscles. Apart from activating many muscles, it helps to burn more calorie and result into weight loss.

How to do seated dips:

Benefits of Seated dips workout for weight loss:

A 175 pounds person can burn 36 calories in 10 minutes of time. Along with burning calorie, it helps to tone your triceps muscles. Don’t perform more if you have any chronic pain in shoulders and legs.

8) Push-ups

Push-ups with the combination of other workout help you much for weight loss. It should be part of your healthy workout like muscles strengthening, and cardiovascular exercise. Performing this exercise alone won’t do much for your weight loss goal. So try to practice it with other fitness exercises.

How to do Push-ups:

Benefits of push-ups workout for weight loss:

Push-ups will do best with other fitness routines. But apart from this exercise, try the cardiovascular exercise like running, swimming, cycling, and jumping. These exercise with push-ups will double your calorie burn and keep you feel energetic every day.

Also Read: Detox Water for Weight Loss

9) Crunches

Like push-ups, crunch also should be included in fitness workout plan, to achieve weight loss goal. Being a part of comprehensive exercise routine not only burn your calorie intake but also strengthen your muscles that lie underneath the excess fat.

How to do crunches:

Benefits of crunches workout for weight loss:

When you lift and lower your torso, the movements are relatively small, that doesn’t burn much fat. Combine this with other abdominal exercise and a good calorie diet can help you to burn fat and weight loss.

10) 1-minute forearm plank

The plank is also a core strengthening exercise that works on transverse abdominal muscles (innermost abdominal muscles used to support and stabilize your torso). But the most effective way to lose weight is through aerobic exercise, strength training and most important is your diet plan.

How to do Plank:

Practice this exercise every day for 2 to 3 sets and gradually increase the number for weight loss. It will help to improve your posture and reduce lower back pain.

Image Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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