11 Effective Yoga Pose for Neck and Back Pain to feel more active

11 Effective Neck and Back Pain Yoga Pose

Well! No need to tell about how it feels when you suffer from neck and back pain. That chronic pain doesn’t allow you to do your daily routine job comfortably. It can be due to many reasons like having stress, accidents, poor postures, or any internal disturbance.

But what if I told you that you don’t need to depend upon medication and heating pad for relief in your neck and back pain?

Yes of course! It’s always a good idea to consult your doctor first before starting any new fitness session. As he will guide you properly for which fitness exercise and yoga you should go.

And once you get a green signal, then try these 11 pain soothing yoga pose for back and neck tension.

Before starting these pose you need to clear your mind that it will not give you instant effects, but yes, it will cure your problem naturally.

11 Yoga Pose for Neck and Back Pain:

#1 Bitilasana – Marjariasana: Cow-Cat Pose

The cow-cat pose is gentle up and down postures of your back torso that stretches and lengthens neck and back muscles. Easy movements of this pose will help you to relieve in neck and back pain while keeping your spine flexible.

Easy pose for beginners to start yoga rather rushing head into complicated one.

Practice it:

#2 Balasana: Child Pose

This resting asana yogis prefer for relaxation in yoga. It elongates your back and gently relaxes muscles of the front body while stretching the muscles of the back torso and provide relieve in back and neck pain.

Great stress reliever yoga poses before going to sleep after an exhausting day.

Practice it:

#3 Viparita Karani: Legs Against Wall Pose

When you feel tired and not in the mood to perform more, then this is the best pain relieving asana. Do less and relax more while keeping your legs up on the wall.

This asana refreshes your legs, pelvis, and back while boosting your blood circulation to the upper body. Give a try to this pose for refreshment if you are in stress.

Practice it:

#4 Trikonasana: Triangle Pose

This pose strengthens the alongside muscles of your torso and outer hips while stretching your body at 45-degree angle. Works as a great reliever on back and neck pain.

Practice it:

#5 Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend

This pose work wonders on back flexibility and strength. The whole bending tension goes to back therefore help to build it strong.

People having back and neck injury should take help from experts as it requires extra stretching of back and neck muscles.

Practice it:

#6 Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose

This pose helps to open up your chest while bending your back torso and neck to reduce tension. It strengthens your core body and proves beneficial for people having breathing problem.

Also a part of a sequence of yoga postures in Surya Namaskar

Practice it:

#7 Adho Mukha Shvanasana: Downward Facing Dog

This classic yoga pose is fully back, and neck stretch that makes your spine more flexible to stand and lift objects. It also strengthens your deep abdominal muscles, which provide support to your lower back.

Practice it:

#8 Uttanasana: Standing Forward Bend

This yoga pose put extreme pressure on lower back and neck, and therefore help to relieve pain. But if you feel pinpoint pain during practicing this pose then immediately stop and ask doctors for help.

Practice it:

#9 Setu Bandhasana: Bridge Pose

One of the easy doing yoga poses for beginners, especially for back pain. This pose can help to strengthen back muscles and pelvis.

Bridge pose provides great protection by enhancing your body postures and performance.

Practice it:

#10 Supta Matsyendrasana: Reclined Spinal Twist

As the name implies, it stretches and lengthens the spine upon twisting it on another side. The whole back body twist provides relaxation in the upper back and neck pain while strengthening your chest, shoulder and hips muscles.

This pose gives relaxation in stress and anxiety too.

Practice it:

#11 Ustrasana: Camel Pose

This back bending posture is known to open up your chest, heart chakra, and strengthen your core body. It improves the flexibility of your backbone and neck.

Instead of all this, it improves your eyesight and digestion.

Practice It:

So, these are some simple yoga pose for neck and back pain. If you do these yoga regularly this will surly help you out. I’m not suffering from back pain but still I do yoga daily and i can see astonishing changes in my self.

There are certain things which you should know during practicing yoga for effective results. Read what people are doing wrong in yoga and not getting the positive results.

Read Here: 10 things you are doing wrong in yoga


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