Top 5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Trying hard to get rid of acne and pimples at home? Get glowing spotless skin with these anti-acne remedies. Easy to use remedies to reduce your pimples at home.

Before your breakouts become worse, have a look at these anti-acne remedies.

Not everyone believes in the concept of treating acne by creams and cosmetics.

Some people love natural treatment to take care of their skin.

And that’s effective too.

If you’re also interested in natural ways to get rid of acne, then surely these herbs, extracts, and powerful anti-bacterial ingredients will love you back.

Just take some time to educate yourself, how these herbal ingredients and natural skincare ways claim to be a miracle acne treatment?

Even studies suggest that trying green tea, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and aloe vera gel are the most effective ingredients to get rid of acne at home.

Along with these, eating a healthy diet, lots of fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, green tea, and following a good skincare routine is must do for clear and beautiful skin.

On the other hand, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, and a bad skincare routine may cause oxidative damage that leads to whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.

So, how you can make your skin free from these uninvited guest.

Try out some of the best and effective home remedies for acne that will contribute to a younger and clear skin later.

But before that, you must understand what causes these pimples to arise? So you can choose the right treatment.

Let’s talk about it…

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What Causes Acne?

Clogging your pores with oil and dead skin cells cause acne to get settled over your face.

These pores are connected to a sebaceous gland that produces an oily substance called Sebum. This extra sebum can plug up pores and cause the growth of bacteria Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes.

Attacking of white blood cells on P. acnes lead to skin inflammation and acne. Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples are few common symptoms of acne.

Even genetics, diet, stress, hormones change, and infections also connected to clogged pores.

That’s why you need some anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial natural home remedies to get rid of acne, swelling, and redness.

Trying these easy home remedies for acne will not only soothe your pimples but also reward you flawless skin.

Effective Home Remedies For Acne

Mixing up some powerful kitchen ingredients to get a clear skin tone, can be a fun hobby.

These homemade anti-acne packs can make your skin softer, glowing and younger looking.

But results vary for every skin types. Maybe these remedies work well for your skin type but not for others. In that case, try initially at a small scale, or take a patch trial or consult your dermatologist.

Some people suggest using lemon, garlic clove for acne. These are simply not skin safe and cause a burning sensation. (In case, if you feel same with these ingredients, stop using)

And pimple area is so sensitive that you have to select only mild and nourish ingredients.

So, before selecting any home remedies for acne, use your common sense and be open to listening honestly.

Nothing work overnight …changes take time.

But end results will make these remedies worth using.

Note: If anything burns, rinse off immediately.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne

When it’s about preventing acne, apple cider vinegar work excellent to the acne prone skin.

Wonder? How?

Let’s talk about this healing ingredient that can prevent your acne and scars fast.

ACV is made by fermenting apple cider which is shown to kill P. acnes – pimple-causing bacteria.

Like other vinegar, it has properties to fight against many types of bacteria and viruses.

Even lactic acids also help to improve skin condition from acne.

Since ACV contains all acne vanishing acids, then we can expect promising results.

Here are several ways to use apple cider vinegar for acne and pimples. You can try any of these best available for yourself.

3 Effective Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Acne –

Let’s take a detailed look at every method.

A. Apple Cider Vinegar As A Toner


How to Apply-

Note: Applying ACV can cause burns and irritation to your skin, so make sure to dilute it with more water.

Try this best rating vitamin C serum for younger-looking skin.

B. Apple Cider Vinegar With Baking Soda 

Ingredients –

How to Apply- 

Note: Baking soda doesn’t suit to all skin types. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test. Don’t use, if experience itching and skin inflammation.

C. Apple Cider Vinegar Steam

The remedy is very effective for oily skin as steam open up pores and clear all the dirt and excess oils from your face.

Ingredients –

How to Apply – 

Note: Keep your eyes closed while steaming and don’t be too close to boiling water.

Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink

Know ACV benefits for skin, hair, and health.

2. Honey & Cinnamon Mask for Acne

Honey and cinnamon is the unbeatable combination for breakouts.

Both make perfect mask together as they are excellent sources of antioxidants and act as best anti-inflammatory agents.

Apart from this, the paste smells so yummy to eat even. 😉

But control….We know it’s tasty. 😉

Both ingredients are loaded with lots of beauty benefits. Try these best 2 ways to get rid of acne fast.

How to Use Honey to Get Rid of Acne

A. Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Ingredients –

How to Apply –

Anti-Acne Honey-Cinnamon Mask Video:

This mask also helps to cure eczema, ringworm and numerous skin infections.

If not fond of home remedies then can also grab these face toner for acne prone skin.

B. Honey and Cinnamon Drink

If you’re not fond of applying these masks, then, can also consume this honey-cinnamon drink every day.

Ingredients –

How to Prepare –

Add a pinch of cinnamon in warm honey water. Drink it in the morning.

It will also help to clear your sinus.

Cinnamon works to bring blood and oxygen back to your skin and help to dry out pimples fast.

Try some detox drinks for clear acne free skin.

3. Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Tea Tree Oil – Another best remedy to get rid of acne at home.

It is extracted from leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree native to Australia.

The ability to fight bacteria and reduce skin inflammation work great on pimples and skin.

Because of tea tree oil role in improvements of various skin problem, it has been popularly used in creams, face washes, and lotions.

You can use tea tree oil in many ways to reduce pimples and acne scars.

Without getting into detailed, let’s have a look towards various tea tree remedies for acne.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Acne

A. Tea Tree Oil With Water

Ingredients –

How to Apply –

You can use this anti-acne remedy twice a day to get rid of pimples fast.

To reduce redness and swelling, add few drops of tea tree oil over cotton buds and gently press it against acne, and pimple. Leave it for a couple of hours or overnight.

Don’t worry if you feel a little stinging sensation, as tea tree oil is highly concentrated.

You can always dilute it according to your skin type. It’s recommended to dilute first and then apply.

Always remember,

For sensitive skin, take 5% oil and the remaining 95% water.

For normal skin, take 10% oil and 90% of water.

Try this highly rating vitamin C serum for anti-aging and spotless skin.

B. Tea Tree Oil With Lavender Oil

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

Use this anti-acne remedy every night or at daytime if staying indoors.

Both of these oil work great together to clear the infection and acne. In addition, the antibacterial properties of lavender oil are helpful to soothe skin and reduce inflammation on pimples.

C. Tea Tree Oil With Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

As I explained above, ACV is a great anti-microbial formula that neutralizes the skin fluctuating pH levels. It exfoliates the skin gently while reducing the acne.

For every skin type, there are different portions of ingredients.

So, very first take a small patch trial, if okay, then only proceed further.

Even this anti-acne remedy can sting your skin, so, if your skin is sensitive enough, then dilute the ACV with an equal amount of water.

If not fond of home remedies then can also grab these face toner for acne prone skin.

D. Tea Tree Oil With Aloe Vera

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

You can also leave this mask overnight.

Note: It is always recommended to dilute the tea tree oil, especially, for sensitive skin. People with known allergic and sensitivity to tea tree oil should not use it.

4.  Green Tea for Acne

Green tea is becoming highly popular in health, skincare and hair care industry, because of its positive impact on everything.

It’s high in antioxidants that neutralize the damage causing free radicals and protect your skin from aging.

It also maintains the younger looking texture of the skin by keeping them healthy and glowing.

The higher amounts of catechins in green tea destroy acne-causing bacteria.

Green tea work a great toner and help to unclog your pores from dirt and grease that lead clogging and cause pimples.

Although you can buy creams and lotions that contain green tea, preparing your own green tea mixture at home is also as easy as buying.

How to Use Green Tea to Get Rid of Acne

A. Just Green Tea 

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

Repeat the process twice a day.

It will tone your face and clean your pores gently. As we know green is loaded with lots of antioxidants that soothe your face, minimize redness and treat acne deeply.

To enhance your results, consume green tea 2-3 times a day regularly.

If not fond of home remedies then can also grab these face toner for acne prone skin.

B. Green Tea With Honey

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

Try this acne remedy 3-4 times a week.

Both are excellent ingredients for acne treatment. Honey leaves your face moisturized and the anti-bacterial properties fight acne fast. It also helps to fade away acne marks.

C. Green Tea With Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Ingredients –

How to Apply – 

Repeat the anti-acne remedy twice a day.

ACV balance your skin pH and neutralize bacteria by removing excess dirt, grime, makeup residues, and dead skin cells.

D. Green Tea With Tea Tree Oil

Ingredients –

How to Apply – 

Repeat this acne remedy twice a day.

Tea tree oil is highly antimicrobial that penetrate your skin deeply, purify it and unclog your pores.

Try this highly rating vitamin c serum for anti-aging and spotless skin.

5. Aloe Vera Gel For Acne

Aloe Vera – A tropical plant that produces a clear gel.

When applied this gel to the skin, it has been shown to treat burns, fight bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote wound healing.

Because of many beauty benefits, is highly used in skincare and hair care industry.

How to Use Aloe Vera Gel to Get Rid of Acne

A. Only Aloe Vera Gel

Repeat 1–2 times per day, or as desired.

B. Aloe Vera Gel With Honey

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

Apply this anti-acne mask thrice a week to get rid of acne.

C. Aloe Vera Gel With Turmeric Powder

Ingredients – 

How to Use – 

Repeat it thrice a week.

Turmeric has antibacterial properties that treat acne fast. Antioxidants present in turmeric reduce the swelling and pimples. It also reduces pimples scars.

D. Aloe Vera Gel With Vitamin E For Pimples

Ingredients – 

How to Apply – 

Repeat it every night until you get rid of pimples.

Vitamin E oil is highly used anti-inflammatory, antioxidants oil in the skincare industry. It keeps your skin healing and nourishes.

Best Home Remedies for Acne and Pimples:

These home remedies for acne are supported as the most effective treatments for pimples.

All these natural ways are super nourishing and worth doing.

Applying these various essential oils, green tea and aloe vera seem to be the quickest way to get rid of acne at home.

But if you live with severe acne, then you need to consult your dermatologist.

Beautiful skin does not take much to get back, but just a few good products and good habits of commitment.

A little effort will go a long way and the glow will show!

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