7-Day Flat Belly Challenge: 21 Minutes Workout Plan to Lose up to 7 Pound

7 minute workouts plan to get rid of belly fat. Lose 7 pounds belly pooch in 7 days. get rid of belly fat fast. Weight loss tips. Lose 7 pound belly fat workout plan.

Are you looking for a workout plan to help you lose belly fat quickly? Look no further! With this 21-minute workout plan, you can lose up to 7 pounds of belly fat in just one week. Imagine the feeling of finally having a flat belly, sexy curves, and a lean body. It’s time to put in some effort and achieve that dream body you’ve always wanted.

Firstly, let’s talk about the importance of diet and nutrition in your weight loss journey. Without proper nutrition, all your workout efforts may go in vain. Therefore, it is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet plan. Once you have your diet sorted, it’s time to incorporate workouts into your routine.

7-Pound Belly Fat Workout

How many repeats?

As I explained earlier, these powerful exercises will target your abdominal muscles deeply and help to lose 7 pounds of belly fat within a week. But the number of pounds you lose will depend on the number of reps and sets you’ll practice.

Here are some guidelines to help you with your abdominal exercises:

7-Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

#1. Russian Twist


How to do:

#2. Windshield Wipers


How to do:

Recommended: Use these resistance bands if you are a beginner or feel difficulty to perform workout at home. These bands will help to move your body easily without anyone helps.

#3. Crossbody Mountain Climber


How to do:

#4. Side Plank Leg Lift

Credit: PopSugar

How to do:

#5. Diagonal Plank


How to do:

#6. Scissors Exercise


How to do:

#7. Elbows to Knees Crunch


How to do:

7-Pound Belly Fat Workout:


Tips to Maximize Your Results:

Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water helps your body to function properly, and also helps to burn fat by increasing your metabolism.

Eat Clean: Avoid processed and junk foods, and instead focus on eating clean and healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Be Consistent: To get the best results, you need to be consistent with your diet and workout routine.

Challenge Yourself: As your body adapts to the workout, gradually increase the number of sets and reps to keep challenging your body and maximize your results.

Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for weight loss and overall health. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.


Losing belly fat and achieving a flat tummy is not an easy task, but it is possible with dedication and hard work. This 21-minute workout plan, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can help you to achieve your fitness goals and lose up to 7 pounds of belly fat in just 7 days.

Remember to stay consistent, challenge yourself, and be patient with the process. With time, effort, and persistence, you can achieve the body of your dreams.

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